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The prince of Winged

Chapter 4 New home

Word Count: 1165    |    Released on: 19/05/2021

tted it, stunned, Jiide Jeugolk re

ng him straight in the eye. "Why are you s

uler thought to himself. Myrhes looked at his uncle

a mere soulless thing possessed by their neighboring kingdom, and for the mere whim of gett


en good and evil. And it is up to beings to choose which side to take, and which side, by the way, I mean choice, is always c

ried to put in the tone of his voice, seriousness, solemnity and a will to convince. But when he had finished

hat is this thing that seems

el pursed his lips, looking

hy didn't their respective peoples try to remove them from their thron

pite your prodigy. For you, life is only black and white, no other shade would ever have the right to alter perfection. But yo

ld and straight, even slowly glowing in a way that wou

But anyway, let's move on. By shadow," he said with such deceptive gentleness, "you mean that t

option," the ruler continued cautiously,

calm, which was most appalling. Then, suddenly, he opened his eyes, which were beautifully clear as green glass, and literally exploded with fury. Myrhes Jeugolk glowed br

on why you are sending me so far away. Away from our e

s rabid display of power, Jiide was aware

yourself, these reasons were never wrong. In fact, they were n

l toys and gifts that had been lovingly and faithfully given to him were reduced to piles of lost debris. There was nothing left of the playroom but the two men and th

the scene, ran a nerv

esitantly. Please d

d, then stood up to join Myrhes and admire the glorious space beside him. They remained

a large, dusty, bright trail in its wake.And although I can easily guess that you s

riefly befor

, but also... the brevity of life. In fact," and he was silent for a

n, Myrhes looked up

he latter continued without takin

tremendous discernment. But this inevitably demands a heavy burden in

his eyes to meet his ch

face your destiny as a ruler, I will always act accordingl

rds, but Myrhes still refused to speak. This

to establish a great alliance wherever their footsteps have led them, and upon which they have founded an organization called Gaazal who

s let out, cynically, as

e, a true allegory of hurt

e doing everything for my benefit or these people ar

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