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Emotionless Love

Chapter 2 Broken heart

Word Count: 536    |    Released on: 16/05/2021

iend s

a question first and your replying with another question...(both were silence),

s I do" she said seriou

on on his face became emotionless and these ma

t will you do with it ?..." he

the only one who I am?" He aske

of my business" she said a

d at the corridor. " he looks so c

ile then he snapped hus finger to mak

crying for stupid things" h

d. She quickly rose her head and tried to say

w his name" she


efresh themselves with s

t of the class. It's suppose to be her and

nt out the classroom he

ction. It was more like moaning and it was coming from the th

iend in act which she was not surprised to see him doing it. Kelly was half

surprise. ) she said. "Christy ...I.i.im sorry" Kelly said feeling ashamed

when she and Yolata with her crew, Mar

ted laughing. Christy ignored them and took another aile to fol

" she said as she collected Ch

ect her bag, but Yolata used her leg and kicked her at

food and left Christy on the floor. She he

said" what's next universe

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