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Chapter 4 The king of Dameran

Word Count: 2547    |    Released on: 06/07/2021

of both skilled architecture and fine craftsmanship. As they went through the gates, Aldrich couldn’t hold back his amazement. They were knights training

bout five horizontal segments with two poles attached to each of t

e that only increases her physical

hrough the middle, the tiles on the ground were light porcelain white in colour and glimmered like actual crystals. On the roof were paintings of various designs in red and a shade of blue all somewhat directed to the middle where from it, hung the largest chandelier Aldrich had ever seen. “Slage?” Aldrich was taken out of his trance when he heard Lydia’s voice, he found her almost smiling at his behaviour. Who wouldn’t though, he looked like a child amazed by the buildings’ magnificence. “First time in the castle?” Lydia asked smiling at him, “Well of course” he answered in a whisper, As they proceeded, Aldrich could notice eyes on him from different points in the room, he felt so self-conscious being the only commoner in the room. The majority of the room either wore the official uniform for th

g of any sort, this was his first time seeing his king. Flanking his royal majesty were two of the kingdoms most elite guard armed with spears and their captain Raymond escort

bably Lydia he

could admire what he looked like. Although Dameran witnessed peace for almost a century, his hand crafted armour, ornate swords by his two sides and his physique all displayed

re you?”

n on him. Looking at him, Aldrich’s body went stiff. He couldn’t decide whether to bow or pay respect by calling his title. All this lead

is the

ofound and intimidating, but the voice he heard was even lighter t

as much grace she’d show Aldrich, the kin

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en your

another prodigy he

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day but I need to leave, be sure my cham

ot soon forget. As he looked back at the king he wondered, the king was unlike any he had read in hi

an be assured that he is the wisest k

is he g

eds to be signed with a neighbou

e?” Upon hearing that, Lydia’s

y, just f

irly alone. At least away from the side glances and the distant murmurs. Jus



ly are you

do you

e a knight, but you

e go on tasks assigned by the king himself. This often includes us travel

e a real pain in the neck, people of

made him c

much people with my

om. She reached under her bed to pull out a chest and tucked her hand to the side of her bed to pull out a key, and with it she opened the chest. Aldrich wondered what she was looking for but felt it would be tedious of him to ask. After rummaging through the chest for about five seconds, she finally got up and handed him a hand crafted bow as she wore one herself. “We’re going hunting” she said. “What?” The forest was a magnificent sight to be held, the seasons leaves gave the forest an orange like colour. The streams flowed in every direction quenching the thirs

having Aldrich follow behind her, at some point they turned at a tree and at a fair distance, stood a white hare grazing. Without a moment’s hesitation pulled out an arrow from her quiver and fired it at the hare. It was so fast that even though the hare was alerted by the sound her boot on the ground, the arrow was able to hit it’s skull as it looked at her. As she picked up her game she looked at Aldrich and told him to try it, she explained to him how he should pick up the tracks and follow it. Lydia was surprised at how fast he

id so, he took a step forward and remembered how he threw those ro

stopped at its neck. Lydia picked it up it and pulled out her dag

look at the bow he had just cut, he said to Lydi

he had let it go. As she got up, Aldrich noticed her sheathing her dagger back under he

ways have t


know I migh

dagger close by,


bit really.” She got

d, “I want to sho

saken of all kinds of life, it barely had any sunlight entering it. All they could see was the path they walked in. it was a bit narro



the thing you fou

lyn called it

now what


n beast, they thin


grunt right before it leaped out. It was a creature their size, it had no fur on its brown folded skin. Its mouth was so wide it spread across its face and from it went two large fangs that went all the way up to its bony cheekbone. It’s figure was however man like, it stood on its two legs like a man but hunched its back

s terrifying to him, but as it stretched out its hand Aldrich looked at his eyes and felt no hostility

then pulled out his dead hare and gave the creat

r it” Ly

arted to rumble and then out of i

age apparently. But Aldrich had seen those characters before, like a

he asked himself, he t

re h

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