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Through Your Eyes

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 1065    |    Released on: 30/04/2021

ower before leaving, planning to dive into my bed as soon as I arrive home. It had been a long shift, and all I wanted was to sleep for another 24 hours. I was already in my third year of medical

om completing my residency, but st

lready tired of his foul mouth as I was becoming more and more worthless in his eyes. Yes, he had reasons why he looked down

sociation meetings because my father could not. He worked as a ship captain, and a few years after my mother died, he came home every year, not

buy. If I had to choose, I would have preferred to enjoy a simple life as long as I wouldn't live alone in dormitories and boarding houses near my school. I already lived in dorms ever since I was in elementary. I had a nanny to take care of my things and

nt out with my friends at a club, though I spent dinners with them sometimes. I instead loved to study

h I only stayed with when my mother lived. When my nanny died, my father had it rented but entrusted the monthly rental collection to his other woman. She never gave me

was a Bachelor of Science in Nursing. The high cost of the course itself plunged me deeper into fin

money with our two cups of coffee but cried hard afterward, grieving over my loss as I started to feel pity for myself. Her cousin came over by coincidence, and

otional as I was, I started crying when he asked me why I looked sad. Getting conscious of t

edical school. He even told me to shoulder everything until I would become a full-fledged physician but with a condition to live with him as his mistress. The desire to finish my course and my financial setback

my head, a fatter bank account, and expensive stuff. I paid him with my body. He was sexually insatiab

my phone vibrated. I was too tired to pick it up, asid

es it take you so lo

ry I was

. Don't you dare to delay

felt loved at all, not even during our sex, where most men say sweet

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