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Author: Roseblaze

Chapter 1 Back home

Word Count: 1650    |    Released on: 26/04/2021

ry Wa

ars of staying there, the cool air blew on my face on arriving,

hing I still can't forget, but the perso

ad changed for those fourteen years I have been away, everything seems to be t

elcome home to me, truly I have missed this place, but there at the entrance, a p

e her too. She ran over to me and gave me a b

that emits from her body, I dropped everything

she once knew me, before I was so tiny bu

ed loudly with a choked v

rs. "Mom, I miss you so much

y mother, Louisa, she had gotten a little bit older than when I la

blue eyes and dark brown hair, she was not chubby, but not thin

zed at how grown up I have become, the last time she saw me, I was a b

, truly being in California was lonely, everyone was unfamilia

e looked at my face with a tender expression, the same expression she had when she left me in California, I

in, her words brought a smile to my lips. "I missed you so much, I'm

ad no one in California she had no one here t

ip of my finger. "I understand." I smile at her, hoping that she would

nly thing that didn't change was the outside, the insi

hite giving it a more classy look, it smelt like home and I take a long l

d she turned her eyes to me, looking at me like sh

as she wipes off the remaining tears o

never love travelling, even if my parent is wealthy, travelling was one t

you finally accept, travelling makes you distant from people you love, well in som

ad." Lou

ow on." I told her, I was no longer planning on going back, it was lonely

tenderly, it had been a while since she has touched me, well th

ad been away from for some years now. "It is good to be

to ask her something important. "Mom, have you settled all your

se there were a few problems in our family business that she had to solve. She said

. "Now we can live in luxury as you

ad passed away 14 years ago and she had to come back to h

sses him! My subc

hat unreasonable question, I know she doesn't want to bring bac

know he's sorry for leaving us, especially you at that your early

up. "Let's begin a fresh start now

ime, I was very close to him and his death happened so fast that I still can't u

old her, I miss my mother's food especially her side dishes

I miss her so much, I got up and hugged her back, as I close her eyes, it is so wonder

and change, then come downstairs for your meal." She

y, I was finally back. I put down my bag and opened the curtains to le

room, I had left this place in a hurry and everything seems to be how it had been, just that it

od days, touching the bed, it made me reme

. I opened the last one and in it were many preci

of the little girl in the picture. Like I said, I had lef

e happy memories of my childhood days flashed in my head

nder if you're still here if I will ever find you." I felt so sad and my voice

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