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Living With A Delinquent

Chapter 3 The Photograph

Word Count: 1551    |    Released on: 21/04/2021

s Point

h other student council members. I open the door of their

look scared, do a look that scary ?? "You did a lot of things in here" I pointed to the extra designs in their club room. "We just fixe

g a panty shots?" They suddenly turned pale, and were stunned by what I said. "Wh

" he stood up from his seat a

e. That's why we thought of a way to buy equipment for our club, we know i

, we don't want to lose our scholarship." The

ort you to the Counselor or the head master. But in condition, I want you to be the school spy, apart from taking panty shots, I want you t

ill" They

?" They nodded

e to them so that they can continue their club activities, we went back to

ma show me a photograph, its

lly cute." I chased him to take the photo he was holding. "

ings and went to Patrol first. I put the photograph inside my skirt pocket then took my gear.

rned to me, he

He sai

d, even if you squeeze your face Louis, you're still

e you something," I get the photogra

o is turned upside down

club, didn't you say you want

ne?" He asks

ready 10 pm Louis isn't here yet, I'm still cooking his favorite dish Adobo, I ask his father w

ing. "I'm not lashing out, I just drank" He couldn't even take off

?" His heavy, I remove his bag containing the

down, he looked very drunk, because he couldn't open his eye

ons of his uniform. His back was very wet and then he didn't even brin

put it in the laundry basket next

her body, The beauty of her body shap

nk and still yelling. I would have stood up to

and stared at me as if he was already confused. He smiled foolishly, I know that

ol that he drunk, I also feel like I'm drunk. I feel his hand roaming around my body. His kiss went down from my neck down to my ches

he was doing and looked

sed his eyes an

leep. I slowly pushed him away from me and arranged him to lie down. I would have stood up again when he pu

like I drank a lot last night. I

red So I touched it to find out I squis

y a woman moaning, so I roll

p while rubbing his eyes. "You were so drunk last night." What th

to you last night?" He

on't remember, why


ven't eaten since last

at last night?" S

you to go home last nig

eakfast" I'll also make coff

aid happily, t

s Point

fast, I went to sc

d, he looked cool while walking, he was able to cover hi

" I r

and from there we separated, other students wanted to look at us so he ran away. I haven't seen him all morning, we're attending different classes, I'm in Class 2-B while he's in Class 2-A, According to a humor Loui

ool bullies. "Yeah whatever" She rolled her eyes then turned off her cigarette. Students rarely come here to the back

the cigarette on the ground and stepped on it and then left ... I

is .

on, he didn't

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