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Word Count: 1254    |    Released on: 17/04/2021

ignifying 8 a.m as she suppress

eady', she sa

arge crowd waiting for commercial

she lamented to hersel

le bus zooming past them was filled to the brim and she looked

being late tod

at na why motor no dey", a woman beside Fola s

drivers no gree comot and some dey protest,

so. Wetin we go do now", the woman a

e, abi you wan trek go central market?", the lad

wait", the woman replied as sh

reased and commercial drivers who were not content the huge i

antage of the situation and started billi

nt as she realized it was

oughts away as she remembered her father's word about

ny longer, she s

e in for a serious nagging", she soliloquized while looking fo

shed past her and st

g for Mrs. B's number on her phone. She saw the number and hurriedly

came out, leaning on the bonnet of the ca

walked past the car to

ve you a ride. I can see there are no available commercial buses at the

ck at him. She noticed he was a ve

rry to disappoint you sir but I don't accept free rides f

's why I am offering to help. Just tell me where you are headed to and I will drop you

ng on her nerves. "Even w

tubborn, I mean no harm young lady. I

ou if you are one", she r

ned, not comprehend

an assassin, it won't show on your

and smiled. "Where

in Ma

ained silent. Fola was also silent too before he spoke up again with impat

l have to trek all the way to work. I think I will just have to trust this ma

before walking towards the car. They b

drove before he broke the silen

nding not to know the ques

at her and amused at her

ve a name", Fola

what do people call you then or perhaps what do you want me to ca

't min

no harm. I can see you are finding it difficult to interact with me. I

out and was surprised to see him smiling. 'What a strange man, this man i

w more about you? Like what you do, where you stay, your favorite food and others",

id you only want

be bad to know more abo

n aspir

t her short and smiled sinisterly which Fola

, she said angrily. They were alm

, surprised at the s

p them anonymous", she

inued, dipping her hand into he

d and he kept mute

tretched a #200 notes to him wh

you don't want my friendship, then so be it. As for the money, I don't need it, s

his car. Immediately she dropped, he

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