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You May Kiss The Groom

Chapter 3 3

Word Count: 1425    |    Released on: 06/04/2021

ast few days, Just as she landed on the bed’s surface, the phone in her pocket started vibrating, she

e said in a

ce spoke from the other side,it was a man’s

d you!!” Rose sat u

y missed me, you would h

ed you so much!! And I have goo

it?” Mord

back home!!”

” He was t

, I am coming

He was ta

peacefully return.” She took a long relieved breath and continued, “I have a flight tomorrow mo

daughter, after 5 long years,”


the plane and was l

he air hostess aske

se,” Senro

glanced at her seat number and

beside the old lad

enrose thanked her and h

ons she felt were happiness, fear and excitement, it was so overwhelming that she couldn’t express her

ome,” she

wore an elegant three piece suit with black shades resting on the bridge of his nose, reve

ls!! Why is he so damn handsome!?” Her voice was o

Why are you so

own worldwide for his talents, and he ruled the hearts of maiden’s all over the world, and one of those maiden was Senrose, Noah was her first love. He was a source of inspiration for

d at the cover. Her lips slowly curled

guy here?” Sh

s were sparkling when she did

t expect that from the lady, she readily took the magazine and hugged it tightly. “Thank you s

” the lady chuckled as sh

asleep with the magazine tightly in her arms. She didn’t wake

have landed

it was dark outside, though the lights on the runway were

ite car stopped and the driver got off. “Let me put it in the trunk,” the driver said respectfully. Senrose nodded and let go of the bag, she was still holding into the magazine tightly. She opened the door of the car and sat back in the seat. The driver too took his seat and just when she was

He spoke in a

ou please?” Senrose spoke in an angry tone as she shrunk bac

ever looked in her direction, he just pulled out a black walle

aw the money in the guy’s hands his eyes sparkled and he stepped in the gas and soon they were driving through the road with

taking me?” Senros

t to go?” The guy

and now you want to know my house address?— are you a pervert?” Senrose overreacted as she stared at him with suspens

t,” he replied in a soft and soothing voice that sud

tared at those eyes that were hidden under his cap. ‘Come to think of it, He sounds very manly. I

You took aw

ed his arms around her, while her face landed on his firm chest. The only sound Senros

rshly, her nose was filled with the fragrance of a man’s perfume, and before h

ose didn’t say anything at first but when she realised the situ

denly opened and someone placed a white handkerchief on Senrose’s mouth, she saw another guy doing

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