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Curse of witch

Chapter 6 Wolf attacks

Word Count: 998    |    Released on: 12/04/2021

this much blood in her life. Her hands and feet turn cold. A man came to them and collapsed. " What happened to you

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1 Chapter 1 Introduction 2 Chapter 2 Witch in the wood3 Chapter 3 Ring of promise 4 Chapter 4 New journey began 5 Chapter 5 You destroy my life6 Chapter 6 Wolf attacks 7 Chapter 7 Love; hate and revenge8 Chapter 8 Werewolf;vampire and witch are all in Bangladesh!!!!!9 Chapter 9 HE is coming !!!!!!!10 Chapter 10 BLOOD CONTRACT !!!!!11 Chapter 11 Soulmate 12 Chapter 12 Moment of truth 13 Chapter 13 You!!!! pervert!!Just kill me 14 Chapter 14 WHO ARE YOU 15 Chapter 15 Naked man on the bed16 Chapter 16 Wolfie is Rahman17 Chapter 17 You slapped me 18 Chapter 18 He is your soul mate 19 Chapter 19 MURDERER 20 Chapter 20 Hug and Kiss21 Chapter 21 Beginning of new love or sad ending 22 Chapter 22 It's time to fight back and win 23 Chapter 23 KIDNAP!!!!24 Chapter 24 LEAVE ME 25 Chapter 25 His majesty 26 Chapter 26 HE is not a human27 Chapter 27 Just Die 28 Chapter 28 All witches must die 29 Chapter 29 Do you want kill me 30 Chapter 30 TEAM work 31 Chapter 31 Let's find the culprit 32 Chapter 32 I will sacrifice everything for her happiness 33 Chapter 33 Rahman wants 11 children 34 Chapter 34 The Color Palace35 Chapter 35 Past reveal 36 Chapter 36 I killed to rule37 Chapter 37 Kiss on the forehead 38 Chapter 38 Misunderstanding 39 Chapter 39 My king, Val40 Chapter 40 Freeing the prisoner 41 Chapter 41 Ambush 42 Chapter 42 Tell me your name43 Chapter 43 Drink my blood 44 Chapter 44 Witch and the warrior 45 Chapter 45 Witch and the warrior part 246 Chapter 46 Forbidden magic 47 Chapter 47 HE likes Mary48 Chapter 48 Rahman stabs Abu 49 Chapter 49 Sweet little lies50 Chapter 50 I feel ashamed that I loved you 51 Chapter 51 A man coated in blood 52 Chapter 52 Why didn't you kill Ella 53 Chapter 53 Too afraid to learn the truth 54 Chapter 54 The cursed witch 55 Chapter 55 Burn to ash 56 Chapter 56 She is alive 57 Chapter 57 After the death 58 Chapter 58 Hope was kidnapped 59 Chapter 59 I want to be free60 Chapter 60 Twin sisters 61 Chapter 61 I will never confess that I love you62 Chapter 62 You will die63 Chapter 63 Let's laugh today64 Chapter 64 Back to the earth 65 Chapter 65 You betrayed Val 66 Chapter 66 That idiot doesn't know that he loves her 67 Chapter 67 I will fulfill my promise68 Chapter 68 He is my prey69 Chapter 69 Become the king as I dream 70 Chapter 70 DEAD END 71 Chapter 71 THANK YOU 72 Chapter 72 It ends with us 73 Chapter 73 Will I ever be happy 74 Chapter 74 I won't be your queen 75 Chapter 75 The wedding bell (The End)