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Her Missing Pieces, The Alpha's Treasure

Chapter 5 Negotiable

Word Count: 2463    |    Released on: 02/04/2021

ow Zoey. And please c

ng my departure the hardest, and I knew this would've happened. She's been quite edg

guess the confirmation was too

all my life, and now I'm going to a strange land with new people.

that hadn't shed a tear since. My heart ached greatly

No way was I gonna stay away from my mate

e, and I knew he was right. But since I wa

rt from Emerald Pack in England. B

I mumbled. "Thank

as soon as you're there" She told m

ad. I stood awkwardly, not knowing if I should hug him or do our nor

him as he held me, and I knew I couldn'

ause we were his wife's family. He did it because he genuinely cared for us

forever lov

, who is? Saying bye to these ten people, in

car. I let out a breath, as I constantly reminded myself that they were ju

had a pack to run. Niall on the other hand, didn't want to leave wit

might say that was a short span of time

o know each other, nothing more. It surprised me how he

dy kind of wolf. Weird for a

ter placing my bags in the ba

ust miss the

an always come back when you get

of the driveway. I dared not to look back, because the

he distance that was being put between me and the people I love.

ed his pack- the first and most important trait of an Alpha. "My Alpha house doesn't

m a house of ten to a house of three woul

And Asia...." I trailed off with a chuckle as I remembered my

hed. "If she doesn't come aro

ned my head against the window as the

That was one reason why I hadn't made him stay here too long.

hisper before I let the slee



felt someon

a" I mumbled as I pulled m

said amused, and I became more a



ur car

t I last saw four years ago. It looked the same for the most part, but

iall to meet me on my side, as I continued to s


npacking the car. I took one of my bags from him to ease h

d the door open, and I was immediately met

Niall's mom gushed as s

way too many hugs for one day, but I

d Victoria that we would take good care of you here" She added as she let me go to gaze at my f

semi-annoyed tone, and I

Zoey. I'm happy that my son found his mate" This came

but I was surprisingly ve

om his pack so long" I voiced, surprising

e were dealt with wonderful

he room as Ace pointed behind him. He stepped

more matured way. He was undoubtedly handsome and had a great build,

r" He beamed as he came over to give me a short hug. I knew p

u again Jared" I smi

bout you. So I would be bummed if that was all in vain."

hat, so I did my best curtsey followed by a

with a deep frown on her face, and it was directed at me. If I thou

nd perfect her nose was, and her lips were full and plump. She had the perfect curvy figure, and her bust seemed just r

e. I mean, isn't she suppose to be ecstatic

o start off on the wrong foot, even though I usually matched the energy I

very awkward wave that made

then to everyone else in the room

at, she tur

ed casually. I'm not the person to force friendshi

ing around eventually', then it'l

he only one

mumbled sarcastically as

d in attempt to make me feel better, I assumed. Except, it didn

giggled as my tummy rumbled, and I re

ay if we stay for dinner right Niall

I'll just go get

he second floor. He stopped in front of

n room just until we know more about each other?" It came out more as

h other if we stay in separate rooms?

ould really see that he didn't w

hing. Or if you want to take out anything that's fine t

My hand hurts" I giggled as I g

filled my senses, as it soothed me from the inside out. It was relatively cle

iven that the walls were beige and

ntre of the room like in my old room, but for now it was pe

th the one I was holding. He then proceeded to show me where everything was, incl

d to make part of the library an area where I could

hang some of my favourites around the house and room

s was very unlike him, but I also knew that the last thing he

as I closed the distance between us and p

all. I already

d that he finally seemed to loosen up and

sorry about Asia, she's pr

at this, and the look on his face suggeste

ed carefully, folding my arms ove

Zoey don't take it

I shot back a little too harshly. I couldn't h

ly confirmed my question. I, how

I asked even more sternly. He hung his head and I saw as his ad


f staying in the same room with hi

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