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Irresistible Seduction: My Girlfriend's Rival And My Pastor's Wife

Chapter 3 Irresistible

Word Count: 623    |    Released on: 10/03/2021

, say, denim jeans). Feeling her hands on the inside of my thighs with seemingly so thin a barrier was electrifying. I wa

e, I gulped, "Th-that's

se. "Why? I'll

arrassment. Don't touch my cock, you've had your fun, this isn't right. But my wishes were unanswered. I sensed she let go of the ke

both feeling amazing and pushing my hardness up further. That, in turn, gave her better access to stroke it wit

op. Just take t

ng? Am I hu

t hurting me... just,

oying it. Jennifer is a luck

her body to my back, I couldn't just push her away. I probably could have done some maneuver to twist around, take a step away from h

said, "This

en you wouldn't be s

felt so good in my life, and this girl was doing it t

If you were my boyfriend, I would al

ng..." I was stuttering. Was I trying to tel

by. Mmm... maybe it being

k. It was pulsing with my heartbeat. Fuck if I w

hful boy. But you want to be bad? Is that what gets you of

ush between my legs and I knew I couldn't last much longer. She was going to make me co

e. Your girlfriend is just down the hall, and you're letting me jack you

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