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Going Some

Chapter 4 No.4

Word Count: 2550    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

solating themselves upon the vine-shaded gallery at the rear of the house, and the conversation had been largely of athletics, bu

myself if I hadn't been so tiny," said Helen.

e for that," sai

e was a wond

've h

rgotten what you told me that first day we m

himself in a position requiring mental gymnastics of a high order; but, as a rule, his memory was good, and he seldom cros

endship for Mr. Covington. I thi

he young man, vainly racking his brai

nd win prize after prize and never undertake to compete against

you that?"

ed yo

a mortal soul. I must have said

it, and I said I thoug

e spoken

I told

k to change the conve

etermined young la

ut it isn't fair to yourself-it really isn't. And so I have arranged a little plan whereby you

t nervously. "Tell me,"

oor fellows are broken-hearted," she concluded. "Their despair over losing that talking-machine would be funny if it were not so tragic. I told

," he said. "Where doe

e, it's a foot-race.


claimed the young c

You see, this isn't like a college

felt as if a very large man were choking

er with Jean. She doesn't

nquired he,

know, I

ant Culver to run, you su

s of the case, he would be only too happy t

the proffered honor when Still Bill Stover appeared at

exican with a spangled hat and silver spurs, evidently the captor of Lawrence Glass on the evening previous; and an undersized little man w

ver bowed again and mumbled something about the honor of this meeting, and Miss Blake cast her eyes over the o

o the rescue, rejoicing in an opportun

ara. Need I say he's Mex, and a preemeer roper?" Carara bowed, and swept the ground with his high-peaked head-piece. "The Maduro gent yonder is Mr. Cloudy. His mother being a Navajo s

d and nodded, at which Stover, enc

too. When he reaches

rows, and hog-ties hi

e spends four years

with an exclamation

s lame in his off leg they ship him back, and in spite of th

y. The question fell upon unresponsive ears. Cloudy di

t deevine, is a lost art with him. I reckon he don't average a word a week. W

outh meanwhile, the spokesman took a deep breath, and said, simply ye

lie, a born range-rider, and the best hi

e tutors at Yale quite as colorless, characterless and indefinite, and immensely more forceful. In place of the revolver at his belt, it seemed as if Willie should have carried a geologist's pick, a butterfly-net, or a magnifying-glass: one was prepared to hear him speak learnedly of microscopy, or

iss, and we four has come as a de

when you came," said Helen. "I'm sure he wil

the others drew nearer, as if hanging on Speed's answer

inded to flee, but the situation would not permit of it. Besides, the affair

ventured. But Stover would have none of t

just now. I told him you was t

y?" inquired Sp

ed you was a runner, but you didn't work at it regular. I asked him how good you was, and

jected the youth, with a sigh

o, and Mr. Glass said you was never better than you are right now. Anyho

in a dialect. "There's a heap of sentiment connected with this affair. You see, outside of being a prize that we won at considerable risk, there go

w she sang it

she did, and you

r agreed, in a h

e Coach Ahead?" queried the scholarly little man. At mention

Car-Te'adora Mora

reupon the speaker regarded him pityingly, and Stover, jealou

never heard that mon


ed shook

choking voice, as follows: "Silas goes up Fifth Avenoo and climbs into a bus. There is a girl settin' opposite. He says, 'The girl opened her valise, took out her purse, closed her valise, opened her purse, took out

in from infection. It was patent that here lay some subtle humor sufficient to convulse the Far Western nature beyond all reason; for Stover essayed repeatedly to check his laughter before gasping, finally: "Gosh 'lmighty! I never can get past that place. He! He! He! Whoo-ho

idation, and assured the foreman that Silas on F

Cloudy here likes Navajo, which I agree is attuned to please th

emen," said Miss Blake. "I think it's a crying sh

utline a plan ha

t you would win it

u will," said Wi

eeks still wet from his tears of laughter,

elen, placing a gentle little

es, so to speak, an

ht, I'll

h his glasses, while both Carara and Cloudy showed their heartfelt gratitude. "Than

onsent upon conditions. I'll run, provided

that mean?"

or Mr. Whatever-the-Cook's-Name-Is to run a race with J. W. Speed, he must agre

fair!" cried the girl

amateur. I'd lo

are what name you run under. We'll frame the

the worst of it in no way. This here race is goin' to be on the square-you hear me talk-in'. No double-cross this

ll we set?" i

and said: "A week from Saturday." Covington would soon

ke it to-morrow,

chance to get in trim

ted: "Rope your buckskin, and hike for the Centipede. Tell 'em to unlimber their coin. I'll draw a mon

eed Carar

directed Willie. "You tear like a

and the sound of his spurs was lo

er continued. "I can hear the plaintiff

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