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The love experience

Chapter 3Ā Attracting the ceo

Word Count: 506 Ā Ā Ā |Ā Ā Ā  Released on: 04/03/2021

meet him, he smiled but maintained his comp

room is

he stared in surprise at him as the

s written on it, if there's nothing

rd backwards as he stood up an

es both guests and workers staring at him in surpr

e same number written on the sides and as h

, he picked up the remote and pressed its button making

table and as he was about to take off his


was about to explain himself when he noticed how r

r , that was the first time she would see a male prostitute as handsome as that, his nose was sharply pointed as his blue

he was in the right room, he was sure the manager couldn't have dared to

was beautiful and her beauty couldn't be

r seen but she was the most charming woman for him,

ke eyes with double folds eyelids, her nose was

nd her exquisite clavicle and white arm were exposed and her slender

, an act he only did whenever he felt attracted to something, he had alway

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