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Strangers in my Bed

Strangers in my Bed

Author: Literotica

Chapter 1 Mr. Weston

Word Count: 5476    |    Released on: 26/02/2021

was just another one of them. The doctors say his condition is rare. Therapy might help, but there'

care for a mentally ill man. He was neither dangerous nor abusive, but his changing moods and various demands were something many people had trouble adapting to.I'd always been an adaptable person. I asked her how to contact her uncle. My initial interview took place over the phone. General questions about my health, experience, etc. I was honest about having absolutely no experience in this area, it surprised me when he actually asked when I'd be willing to start.By that next week, I was flown in a private jet to an out-of-the-way airport in a small Canadian city. Sara's uncle picked me up and drove me to what would potentially be my new home. In a limousine of all things. As we drove, the buildings and houses of the town slowly began to thin out. Before I knew it, there was nothing but the forest surrounding us. The trees blurred together into a wall of green as we drove past them. I was beginning to wonder if they would ever end. Suddenly, I saw a dark silhouette rising above the tree line. The mansion.I stared in awe as we approached it. As we drew closer he stopped the car and got out to open the large front gate. The walls surrounding the place were huge and made of stone, the gate was a solid, but intricately decorated slab

he'd just given me. He waited expectantly. I perked up and nodded in understanding. He smiled and nodded in return before walking off somewhere into the mansion. I was completely alone. It felt somewhat intimidating being in that big house by myself. I wondered if I'd ever get used to it. He told me to explore, so I did.I must have seen dozens of rooms: bedrooms, ballrooms, libraries, galleries, and this was still only half the mansion. All to take care of some poor, sick old man? I wondered about this "Mr. Weston." How bad was his condition? Not only did he practically live alone, but it was also nearly impossible to find a caretaker for him. Exactly what had I gotten myself into?I was thinking over this when I wandered outside and into the garden. The sun was just starting to set and a field of roses became illuminated in its soft glow. Their scent filled the air. Any worries I had moments ago vanished from my mind completely. The scene was so perfect I could hardly believe I was there."Beautiful," I said breathlessly."Funny, I was thinking the same."I jumped at the unexpected sound of another voice. A well-dressed man was sitting on a stone bench in the garden. He looked about my age, maybe a l

aring their throat broke through the moment. We turned to see his caretaker standing there."I see you've met Ms. Walton, sir," he said, simply."Thomas, I wish you told me sooner we would have a young lady staying with us," Mr. Weston grumbled. "I would have made better accommodations."I blushed. "That's really not necessary Mr. Weston. I'm only here to work, really."Perhaps it was my imagination, but I could have sworn he looked a bit disappointed when I said this."Well, work or not, please choose any room in the house as your own," he said, vaguely gesturing towards the large mansion. "They're all empty or will be as soon as Thomas retires. It would make me happy if you would begin to think of Weston Manor as your home, Ms. Walton."I merely nodded and walked back into the house. As soon as I was out of sight I thought I heard muffled arguing. I was curious if I was the cause, but I wasn't going to ask. I knew better than to rock the boat before I even had the job.As he suggested, I looked around the house for a room I liked. It was a difficult decision. The rooms were all grand and gorgeous, I could hardly decide between them. However, on the third floor, at the very end of the ha

umped out of the bed and hoped the firelight wasn't bright enough to show my blush."Mr. Weston, I'm so sorry. I-I had no idea, please forgive me," I stammered.How was I already screwing up so much on my first day? I hoped he would be understanding. I really needed this job."It's really alright Ms. Walton," he said, shrugging. "I don't mind at all. You know, I was actually discussing with Thomas the other day that I thought I needed something for my room, but I wasn't sure what. You've helped me realize what it was."I tried to answer with what little dignity I had left. "And what's that, Mr. Weston?"I heard his footsteps moving closer to me. I nearly died of shock when he put his hand on my waist. With the other, he gently moved my hair behind my ear."A beautiful woman to share my bed," he said in a low voice.Panic set in. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't move. It wasn't as if I'd normally be opposed to such an offer, but sleeping with my boss? My severely mentally ill boss? The first day of my training? It was too much. I gathered together what was left of my jum

ver had a moment's rest."I did this as a favor for my niece, but also because I'm quite desperate, Ms.Walton. I need to know someone will be here to take care of him when I am gone. So, please, if I have to beg I will. Do as Mr. Weston asks," he pleaded. "Draw boundaries when needed, but if it does you no harm, please do as he asks."I felt bad for old Thomas. Twenty years following requests most servants would probably run from, twenty years separated from friends and family, twenty years raising a child that wasn't his own, and now being trapped in that situation because it seemed nobody could handle it but him.We stood in silence for what seemed like forever. After a moment I crossed my arms and looked at him seriously."I can set boundaries?" I asked cautiously."Of course, Ms. Walton," he said, smiling. "You are a servant, not a slave. I've let Mr. Weston have nearly everything he's ever desired in this world, but I've never let him think he is more than just a man. We all have limitations, even him."He tried to say these words with confidence, but I could hear the overwhelming relief in his voice. He really wanted me to stay. I wondered how desperate he must be to have gotten to this point. I wasn't trained, I had no clue what I was

my throat and walked toward the fireplace. I stopped just behind him."Thomas, do you think I can ever get 'better'?" He asked.I cleared my throat. "There's really nothing wrong with you, Mr. Weston. You just need to realize female servants will have more boundaries.""Anna?!" He gasped.He turned around in shock. We both started at the use of my first name. He cleared his throat and looked away awkwardly."Ms. Walton, I thought you'd left," he mumbled."I thought about it, Mr. Weston, but I think I'd like to try being your caretaker for a while," I said, smiling.A smile spread across his face too. "Thank you. I'll have your things moved to a proper room immediately.""That's alright, Mr. Weston," I said, waving off the offer. "If you wish for me to stay here I'd be more than happy to.""Is-is that really alright, Ms. Walton?" He asked cautiously.I nodded. "Of course, sir. After all, it is my job to serve you."My nerves were still shaking with every word, but the smile that filled his face helped calm them a bit. He stood and took my hands in his."Thomas

I suppose there was nothing bad about it. I had a beautiful home, a well-paying job, and an "interesting" companion to say the least. I suppose there were worse jobs than having to share a bed with a handsome man. I smiled at this thought. It helped me relax enough to finally sleep.I wasn't sure what was happening in my dream, but it was nice. I was in this hazy place, but couldn't focus on my surroundings. All I could focus on was the burning heat between my legs and the pleasure it sent through my body. I heard my name being called by a raspy voice.Anna. Anna!The voice half-woke me. I realized I wasn't in some hazy dream world anymore. Slowly, my mind remembered where I was. I was back in the canopy bed in Mr. Weston's room. However, the pleasure between my legs was still there and getting stronger. I felt something hard pressing against my thigh."Anna. Anna!"This time I recognized the voice. It was Mr. Weston. The shock completely woke me. Blush filled my cheeks as I realized what was happening. He was still sleeping deeply, so deeply he wasn't aware that he was touching my body.The heat between my legs was from his hand that had slid under the skirt of my lingerie and begun to rub me. And the hard thing against my thigh? Well, it wasn't too hard to figure that out. He called out to me again."Anna. Anna!" He cried longingly.The sound of his lust-filled voice didn't help to relieve the heat between my legs. If he was doing these things unconsciously in his sleep, then what was he doing in his dreams? His other hand slid over and cupped my breast over the lacy material. I let out a stifled gasp.What should I do? Should I wake him? He wasn't doing anything intentionally, but what was I supposed to do? I didn't really have a chance to decide.The hand on my breast slipped below the lingerie and made contact with my skin. His hand felt so hot against me. As his fingers rubbed against my nipple I could feel myself becoming more aroused.This was wrong. I should stop him. I tried turning around to shake him, but all this did was press his hardness further into my thigh. He let out a low moan and began pawing more furiously between my legs. I gasped, the sensation was becoming too much. If I couldn't wake him I'd just get out of bed.I tried to sit up but he was holding me down too firmly. Fine. I'd crawl to the edge of the bed then. I slowly tried to spread my body across the bed and pull myself to the edge. However, as I did this his body reacted and tried again to pull me closer. His strong arms

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