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Gerfaut -- Complete

Chapter 10 PLOTS

Word Count: 3367    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

mantel before he took from his waistcoat pocket a paper reduced to microscopic dimensions, which he carried to his lips and

hose exaltation was sens

tach from them some particle of the idea they had contained. After analyzing and criticising this note in all its most imperceptible shades, he crushed it within his hand and began to pace the floor, uttering from time to time some of those exclamations which the Dictionnaire de l'Academie has not yet decided to sanction; for all lovers resemble the lazz

furious anger, two or three kno

a voice like that of a vent

and with a silk handkerchief tied about his head, holding his candle

magnificent, fatal and accursed-

ay'd to-nigh

with frowning brows

r me, and, if you like, we will set about devouring paper like two boa-constrictors. Speaking of serpents, have you a rattle? Ah, yes! Here is the bell-rope. I was about to say that we would have a bowl of coffee. Or

ist was about to leave the room. The arti

oom," said Gerfaut. "You may work or you may sleep, just as you l

ve some concealed weapon, some poisoned ring. Curse upon it! the poison of the Borgias! Is the white substance in this china bowl

om with an affectation of anxiety, "and, as I can not get rid of you, listen to my opinion: if you think

have I

n his park and every frog in his pond. Tonight, when that old witch of Endor proposed her infernal game of whist, to which it

e whist at twent

ke it an

w all these disagreeable trifles as if they were as sweet as honey. Is it possible yo

what did you

his moustache, puffed out, through the corner of his mouth, a cloud of smoke, which surrounded his face like

st have titled ladies. Titles turn your head and make you exclusive. You make love to the aristocracy; so be it, that is your own c

l that nons

sound, patriotic hash. Which means regarding women that I carry them all in my heart, that I recognize between them no distinction of caste or rank. Article

at of e

hout one being esteemed more fresh than another, because it belongs to the nobility, or another less sweet, because plebeian. And as field daisies are a little mo

ve bergerette

iselle de Corandeuil's r

au oaks. That is for art. At dinner, I dined nobly and well. To do the Bergenheims justice, they live in a royal manner. That is for the stomach. Afterward I stealthily ordered a horse to be saddl


, who make you go a hundred leagues to follow them and then upon your arrival

is se


at present but this respectable dowager on the first floor below? If she supposes th

itto, pia

repito e

lead her into the drawing-room after supper, I thought you understood each other perfectly. As I was returning, for I made it my duty to offer my arm to the old lady-and you sa

lame of one of the candles. The paper ignited, and in less than a second nothing

shall weave an allegorical picture with the hair. I shall hang it before my desk, so as to have before me a souvenir of the adorable creatures who furnished t

ll parcel from which he drew a lock of coal-

ut, as he drew through his fingers the more glossy than s

ned the lock submitted to this merciless criticism as if it were simply a p

enough to make a pacha's banner. Provincial and primitive simplicity! I know of one woman in particular who never gave an adorer more than s

ocks. Women rather like this sort of childishness, and when they have

he candle; but his movement was so poorly calculated

t, who could not help laughing

ttle field-flower. It is a fact that she has cheeks like rosy apples! On my way back I thought of a vaudeville that I should like to write about this. Only I should lay the scene in Switzerland and I should call the young woman Betty or K

avor of going to bed?

of har


e col

I will throw the contents of th

ly temper. It looks indeed as if you

estion; "she has treated me as one would treat a barber's boy. This note, which I just burned, w

said Marillac, suppressing with diff

ust say that she is

not ad

she makes me shudder. Yo

randeuil's room is just beneath us,

hair excellent for stuffing mattresses, your rustic beauties with cheeks like rosy apples are conquests worthy of counter-jumpers in their Sunday clo

h honor! So, then,

u are mistaken as to what discourages me. I simply fear that her heart is narrow. I believe

, so far, she has not shown he

se men excite my pity. As for me, really, I have always felt that it was most difficult to make one's self really loved. In these days of prudery, almost all women of rank appear 'frappe a la glace', like a bottle of champagne. It i

loves you?" asked Marillac, emphasizing the word "l

!" replied the latter

u something." He hesitated a moment. "If you learned that s

at him and smil

cause, knowing my temperament, I felt the necessity of getting angry and giving vent to what was in my heart. If I had not employed this infallible remedy, the annoyance




e a ghost. That would be all that was needed to encourage her in her severity. I shall take good care that she does not discover how hard her last thru

not masquerading

ve said does not prove in the

y; old or not, it is my true story. I have not yet broken the marble-virtue, education, propriety, duty, prejudices-which covers the flesh of my statue; but I am nearing my goal and I shall reach it. Her desperate resistance is the very proof of my progress. It is a terrible step for a woman to take, from No to Yes. My

ce you are so

ternal life! But I wish

; something that was told to me the other day; a conjec

ssing enigmas," said

k of this aga

ted indifference. "If you wish to play the part of Ia

ffair; whatever the result of my inquiries may be, I will tel

ou must do me the favor of sticking to Bergenheim and the little sister, and gradually to walk on ahead of us, in such a way as to give me an opportunity of speaking with this cruel creature

expect about twenty persons at dinner, and all her tim

erfaut, jumping up so sudde

ademoiselle de Corandeui

the night he would wring the neck of all these visitors. Now; then, she has her innings. Today and tomorrow this

on," said Marillac, as he aro

have annoyed me with your mysteriou

!" replied the artist



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