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Our unlucky stars

Chapter 5Ā Strongest aura

Word Count: 352 Ā Ā Ā |Ā Ā Ā  Released on: 11/02/2021

y as a bitter smile curled up on her lips , she reminisced on what she h

ttle bar with many girls and men flicking around the door, she stopped for a while and de

at her she with disdain, he smirked and gestured at his friend who moved closer to Nancy 'hey where do you think you are off to?' He questioned with a serious look on his face , Nancy smiled

y they came rushing forward and bowed with regret and pleading spirits 'I'm so sorry ma'am, i didn't recognize you earlier,

used as she fr

ds slightly bowed Nancy looked at them in confusion and debated on wether they were pretending but seeing the look o

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