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Chapter 45 Resistance and Tricks

Word Count: 1330    |    Released on: 06/02/2021


Camila since Kyland was going to m

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ty-looked in her eyes. "She has a s

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1 Chapter 1 Nightmare2 Chapter 2 Fired!3 Chapter 3 F- Off! 4 Chapter 4 Small World 5 Chapter 5 Troubled6 Chapter 6 When it Rains, it Pours7 Chapter 7 Yielding Temptation8 Chapter 8 A Real 180 9 Chapter 9 Change of Plan 10 Chapter 10 Breaking Point11 Chapter 11 Personal Space 12 Chapter 12 Unfiltered13 Chapter 13 The Loft14 Chapter 14 Tattoos15 Chapter 15 The Plot Thickens16 Chapter 16 Mama Knows Best17 Chapter 17 Friends Know it All18 Chapter 18 When A Heart Speaks19 Chapter 19 Started With A Kiss20 Chapter 20 Darker Anticipation 21 Chapter 21 The Game Changer22 Chapter 22 Broken Rules23 Chapter 23 Secret No More24 Chapter 24 Couldn't Get Enough25 Chapter 25 Unexpected Visitor(s)26 Chapter 26 Women 27 Chapter 27 Mama28 Chapter 28 Unavailable29 Chapter 29 Unyielding30 Chapter 30 Wrong Safe Word31 Chapter 31 Letter M32 Chapter 32 The Billion Dollar Smile33 Chapter 33 Never Cross A Meadow34 Chapter 34 Ghost from the Past35 Chapter 35 Papa36 Chapter 36 Still A Stranger37 Chapter 37 Sin of A Father38 Chapter 38 James Freaking Bond39 Chapter 39 Screwed Up40 Chapter 40 Nothing but the Truth41 Chapter 41 Too Good at Goodbye42 Chapter 42 Legally Rich43 Chapter 43 A Cup of Tea44 Chapter 44 A Sinner Shall Pay45 Chapter 45 Resistance and Tricks46 Chapter 46 Friends in the City47 Chapter 47 Eliah, in the Flesh48 Chapter 48 Saving Her Arse49 Chapter 49 Synergy50 Chapter 50 Just A handful Names51 Chapter 51 Now or Never52 Chapter 52 Bare53 Chapter 53 Success Comes With A Price 54 Chapter 54 Decisions. Decisions55 Chapter 55 Make Up Date56 Chapter 56 About Babies57 Chapter 57 Epilogue