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Make It Rain

Make It Rain


Chapter 1 Spark

Word Count: 1536    |    Released on: 27/01/2021

. It was the first time he was returning home after eight long years of study in London. He was now a m

nd - some that he might not see again, the joy of going back home and se

at noon. About an hour's drive away from the airport, Samuel knew he had to be quick in p

picked the call

m Nigeria. "Hope you are packed and re

ut getting dressed, I will be

see you mum!" He excla

leave you now." She didn't w

'. See you in

" She replied, e

d continued his preparation

six hours, or a

ally landed ba

entle breath of satisfaction

ature, change in the zone, it all amused Samue

's chauffeur had come to

l prostrated, showing hi

u are all grown up

stature of his body had evolved into a more matured man and his

u sir." He replied

amuel looked around hoping to s

Mr. Peter refused to ind

uel felt a little disapp

rd to make life as comfortable as possible for Samuel and his younger brother. Her vehement desire to c

otball in school for his class" Mr. Peter tried to ligh

ld at the time. On their way back from the airport, after Samuel's plane had taken off, they had a terrible accident which left Mr. Akande dead, Mrs. Akande with a fractured skull and li

his brother being fully fit again

itement overwhelming his pain. "I hope he still recognises me" Samue


tting sun took away the warmth in the air,

lly the last to leave the office, along with Mrs. Akande who had a higher position at work than her. With

was curious as to why Mrs. Akan

as leaving London again?" Shola asked, w

w. He is going to be so mad at me"

don't miss his arrival at home." Shola t

nt to pick him up from the airport and ther

ome in my car." Sh

omfortable making Shola s

ve a lot of


o you. This is my problem, I will handle it okay?" Mrs. Ak

, Mrs. Akande felt

forehead. Turning around to Shola sta

way Shola was going to allow her miss her son's a

home." She was as persistent

ande finally conceded to Shola's kind

from Mrs. Akande's house. Compared to Samuel's one h

made their journey even slower as

. Akande expressed her gratitude t

de. It had always been like a factory setting f

odbye as she got into her car. About to pull out he

ran from her door steps wi

mini van beamed in the night as

for not coming

ne. What's most important is

" Mrs. Akande pointed at Shola who

ed at the very young

, only four years younger than Samuel who was already twenty-nine. She had a natural long hair which she brai

her charming face than before. Samuel gulped as Shola

to keep his composure as

e palm as they both stared at each other. The weather, suddenly colder than before got a l

re wel

suddenly feel

cut hi

out to

was a sudden thunder clap as the rain began pouring do

as they both continued

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