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Exclusively Mine

Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 3965    |    Released on: 22/01/2021


minine voice informed Dr. Celestia Rosales. "Please wait for h

nutes of free time to kill. She decided to call her little sister. She liked

ter, how are you

r tried to sound enthusiastic

u know how it is. I'll b

ime. She needed to get that kidney donation fast but they had been waiting for

nything at all

n, leave me alone, yo

out even a goodbye. "-- the next twe

me days so she held her peace and put the phone down. Her eyes wandered to the degrees and certi

n in practice long and was still trying to build up her business. From struggling to study and pay bills with evening work, now she

ics committee even more galling. One tiny mi

ginner's mistake and she prayed

rough worse times than this, the light is there at the end

dical bills, but in reality, she was almost to the point of paying interest only on their accumulated medica

and the business would have to be a runaway

ang in

e desired effect. Her spectacles were serious rather than fashionable and tended to make her look older; something else she needed with her youthful face. The glasses also made her face look thinner. Although petite

g had been out of the

behind schedule today so she would have to meet and greet by herself unless that was him arrivi

could get to it. The man who entered the room was unbelievably good-looking, even to Celestia, with al

s?" the well-dresse

s manners. S

ee Dr. Rosales

anes?" sh

"Look, I'm already late. Are you Dr.

pleasure to meet you Mr. Her

olt of electricity crackling through Celesti's body. She j

complete surprise, a vivid image of herself making love on the carpet t

rself. You're a trained psychoth

o him to one side of her office, where there

would you like

uperbly healthy, radiating strength and athleticism. The suit he wore looked like a thin veneer of civilization on a man who was a primal and instinctual being. Most o

ot and Celestia wa

and she took a seat nex

f comfortable

uggest we get started befo

or that, "

te any time at all w

id tha

ons. She had been attracted to clients before but never quite like this. If she had felt things before it was after a period of getting to know the person, ga

over her. This client was bad

r spoke with urgency, but she dismissed the tho

e more attractive than usual but nothing to c

apist would send a new client away just because they

e some water?"

irst to her degrees and then to the collection of

, as though the preference were commonplace and th

do, " s

k unimpressed at his intim

d love to, we're not here to tal

talk about. It'll hel


therapist is an extre


that you are one of the best new psychotherapists in the city

calm and tot


blem. The truth is that I do

pad on the table between them a

eed to be here, can you exp

for a moment, thoroughly

yet, " he s

help with her training, but for silly mind games, she had no t

of being someone who likes to get straight to the point. Why

y surprised, but n

apy or something else

s. Are you rushing me for answers? I've only been in therapy for, " he checked

had the awkward feeling of being caught out.

began to rise from her rapidly beating heart, through

iculous. Sh

lush response was outsid

n't help but find incredibly sexy. She gave a resigned sigh, took off her glasses,

Asshole. She thought

t surely was getting hot in there. He raised an eyebrow and then frow

the subtle swell of her nipples. No man and certainly

r. Hermanes,

me feel uncomfortable

fair, " h

at me with those gorgeous green eyes of yours and now I'm su

mercifully felt her heat

men comment on how attra

. She t

rtation as a means to

find unusual

this. Now, why don't you tell me why you're here, and then we can decid

ssion became

see a therapist. They say I'm giving too much of their

ition of philanthropy begun by father. Therefore,

e more than adequately compensated. I'll even consider putting you on retainer and having Hermanes Inc refer employees to you who might

stant fix to all of her and her sister's immediate problems. She was slowly realizing that the smoldering guy in front

she considered her response.

roval and his gaze felt like a ho

d financial negotiations were outside of her comfort zone. One hundred thousand dollars was a lot of mon

about you explain to me why the board thinks you need to see a therap

me for this, " h

o every minute of the day counts and I

the silly game? Why even come here to see me? A

mpts at flirtation. On the other hand, she was tilting her head ever so slightly to the left as she waited for hi

to stiffen under the thick fabric of hi

ll. She wasn't his usual type but there was something about her he knew he wanted. He had chosen her be

shover and easy to manipulate, b

it only made him want to fuck her even more than

ned-up lit

serious glasses hiding the sensu

l little lady? You don't kn


d Dr. Rosales but I'm flirtin

but unfortunately that com

that get in the way of my goals. I'm here to achieve an outcome and one way or the other it's going to happen, with or without your complian

. The words echoed

you are trying to inti

er once. If you refuse it then there's no going back. If it's a question of the amount then there is room for negotiation. I'd

s… It was more money than Celestia ha

p breath but then sh

it's a question of ethics. I can't accept that

, Dr. R

table, as though he knew more ab

a conflict, "

sychotherapist starting out in your career and this retainer would be very significant for you and for any dependents you may have. Besides, if you come

persuasive, the offer was very, very tempti

ghed a

her therapist who might be able to accommodate your needs or we continue in therapy, real

what she might just have let herself in for. If she said yes and was caught out then it would be th

Hermanes person really was or what he was capable of if c

business elsewhere and not add

estia stood up as well and extended her hand to bid him goodbye. One part of her was relieved but another was strangely disappointed. Aiden Hermanes was n

this sexy man again unle

e said as he took her hand. His firm, tanned grip

. "I just refused your offer.

strikes and I'm out. The board will initiate

ter all. For better or worse she would be getting to know the mysterious Aiden Herma

ing to be worth m

ff guard this mo

entally kicked herself in the shins. She sounded like a cheap h

he reception area her receptionist Lolita was seated at his desk and the homely looking ga

a looked at Celestia with

d gone to heaven? What I wouldn't give for one night w


olita. That could be one night

t anywhere with him bos

ious voice. Celestia returned to the door and saw an

and tore it open. Even though she knew it was comin

said. "So I guess you'll know if you still ha

etting everyone down. Her professors, her cl

on, we'll get through this. And hell if they take away your license I

ut laugh. She was such a good lady and a great receptionist when she wasn'

walked down the steps of the squat bu

ed up in fr

wn and his brother A

big brother?" "

hat you're on to number three, so please tell me that y

art full of garbage bags and three oddly shaped dogs lay all piled up to

hrist." Ace

ove to defend their owner as Aiden reached into his wallet and slid out five new one hundred dollar bills and pu

s. "Are you booked in for

not to disturb the old lady and then

She's the on

is brother with

" he said.

just couldn't imagine that his brother would go int

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