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Author: Korielyn

Chapter 1 Prologue

Word Count: 941    |    Released on: 01/01/2021

g behind the curtain of hair. It was her only shield, one so feebl

the heaviness was too much on these weak shoulders that they couldn't help but crumble down. The urge to call someone for help clenched her heart, but she k

ears now, and she

outine now. As soon as the hands of the clock paused at eight in the evening ever

what you want don't you?" The angry scowl on her father's face scared the young soul even m

hould not exist fo

eyes as he fisted his hand with the urge to hurt her even more as fury and lost consciousness made him do things which he did whenever he was the slightest bit upset. His daughter was the suitable punching bag as her silence and vulnerability

she was the first and last person he hated the most. A stranger, a foe, a hostage. Hatred had never been so cruel as fate itself. It churned inside this being like th

seemed to fit anyway. Moreover, it was loose on her as it swished below her knees when she lost her balance and fell on the floor. The sound

ave to work to earn a dollar every day and here you are wasting and destroying everything like the princess you are." Tired and helpless, she gave up. The energy to even wail wa

y hold on f

dying wooden chair as it creaked painfully. The floor beneath him winced every time he walked towards the door with his dark charcoal boots whose squeak

or and never look back, but she knew better than that. The things that were going to happen next was not a mystery to her. He was

nce they didn't even acknowledge the tremors that ran through her body and walked towards her with a renewed anger churning inside them. A cold splash of water blinded her

as fo

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