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36:26 A Chase Encounter

Chapter 3 Episode Three

Word Count: 1023    |    Released on: 27/12/2020



into the living in excitement w

ands of her curious mother and

nt, " Jayda s

rollment and admission into TISCH of the arts at our great academy. The entire board of the

so proud of you my darling" J

you al

Mom you can always catch a flight if you miss me too

a, did she get in

her" Lucy ran up the stairs int

all by her side since she was a baby and now that her daughter is about to take a differen

l always blame herself for what happened with Brian. She'd tried to get in touch with him but

sinful feel of Brian's lips on hers as they kissed passionately in her room after a night of a

ting her mum out of the u

announced and hurried

happy for

and caressing your lips. Is there a man I don't kn

no man" Ja

woman?" Lucy

laughter. "I'm pre

ugged. "So there is a man" Lucy could tell bu

People like us with a broken hear

ously. She has no idea her daught

ho?" Sh

t want to create a fuss but now as an adult, you should know

went wide op

gave a bewil

f her two children engaging in a sinful act-maybe not so sinful since they're not blood-related but she woul

love but to me, it was more than that. But not to worry, the instant he ran off spoiled

lief. It was like a huge pang of guil

lie that Brian chose to run away whereas it was her who threw him out hoping it would get rid of his infatuated thoughts that h

but he didn't and that was

one to look after him? If he's eaten? what he's doing on his birthday amongst other thoughts. She would spend mos

n interfered wit

hun, what were

nto New York

ng next week?"

to settle in be

me with

ult now. You don't n

what better motive than to know where my daughter is going to be livin

er, " Lucy said

celebrate this big

ask" Lucy squealed at

Jayda ex

here Mum, I don't want to we

. My money would be saved for a better cause asid

t mean that. You love

ause she leaves

said which finally ended

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