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Twist in time

Chapter 5 5

Word Count: 1365    |    Released on: 14/12/2020

d him. I looked at

I will tell you about th

you." For me? I didn'

hazel at a shop."

times yes. Can we

he shop? There are many nice outfits but I don't think it suit

e pointed her hand at a glittery black

oking for som

he will come. I searched to see him but I could only see many uncountable teens are drinking, kissing, hooking up etc...when I turned away from them, haze

meone calle

d at me twice. You

tried not to b

me. I have never

from the others. I don't know whether a boy like Chris never met at

me, tell about your

ch interest

for an interesting


e. Anything ot

w are things

n't wanna tal

you. Look ahead" I turned from Chris,

a single word after

n't want I will talk with the

want you to i

o don't want to hear their conversation. I saw them speaking normally but suddenly adam looked furious and slapped Chri

led at him. It's difficult to ra

on" who are you man, m

e" I yell

you and ask sorry. Why

him to talk with you. I d

ella, is it because

ve not loved you." I let out my real feelings for t

ooked down, not answering any

Now leave"Chris spoke this time

I should tell something. I think I will rathe

loud. He looked stu

t. When he left, Maddy spotted me and ran towards me. She looked confus

He doesn't know Maddy but he can guess it from the w

her, " he sa

he a

x-boyfriend's word

ed after he left. I hugged

e got out of the house to get some air. I

ht thing.You sho

like I wasted all these ye

I will teach you" she grabb



nocent, it's

rink" I sh

good for you. So don't resist"I took the glass and drank. Maybe

e drink"hey, don't yo

yes but I need

live without seein

hat word. I searched and searched and can't find him. Suddenly so

rly"I got up and I h

ention is purely evil" someon

should hide somewhere. I went

e interrupting me, " Chris said entering the room followed by professor Alaric. What

say I won't le

here without it." Ch

her die than g

ant understand Chris. He's hiding many things. Iam sweating in the closet, I should go out. I am ins

e and something crashed in the r

ember I can kill you" the professor s

om here while you stay here" he murmure

ing on the floor. His hands are on his

. Why he is hurting

d shocked "what a

important. You need to go to the hospit

chine. The skin is peeled off revealing android like parts. Just the one part of his hands look like

what's happe

e shouted this time and I took some steps backward with a hurt look

is h

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