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Chapter 4 4. Fear

Word Count: 1430    |    Released on: 24/11/2020


ext 20 minutes, hey are you even list

ut was how bad I had treated Lewis, he was sad for an hour then he seemed to

, " I answered wi

she answered the

zy was what was bothering me, she left for

ed. A knock on my door

, " I an

alked in, I quickly stood

called in

today?" he asked calmly then sat

or, " I answer

at all, and today you were clumsy, you misplaced the cooperation files and failed to meet our clients, " he sa

just that I was recently i

tood up and

re you hurt?" He

n surprise not kn

d about himself, him asking me those questions an

sn't injured in any

y hand an

elief, " he

been distracted a lot and neglected my work. But I promi

ftly then let

answered then went back t

ng me, I picked it up from

r, " I said th

, Li

he man is mad!" She screamed as I

own, " I whis

to kill me, "

the call and

g okay?" he a

rds, how was I to tell him that the maid I hired was i

I Will cover fo

u are my boss,

can't do anything, go I will handle

ne way or another, " I answered without thinking t

hile searching my b

out I rushed in my

got out of the car and walked into t

loudly as I walke

e glass cups facing the storeroom door, a few glass

tly, he turned and loo

okay, " I

s?" Lizzy asked i

" I an

and Lizzy came out runn

the wine glass an

atever Lizzy said to you sh


" I warned cut

remember me right?, It's

her glass and l

ning glass at us, I covered my face with my hands when it shur

in fear. I felt weak and my eyes were becoming blurry, something was wrong, my body was hurting badly to

id, I'm fine,

I felt my body become heavier and my mind foggy, the last thin


d sat upright, Becky was standing n

ally awake,

I answere

he almost killed you!, What is wrong with you?, thank God Lizzy called and

" I said seriously as

be reasonable you dumb bitch, if Lizzy wa

, " I deman

had a few injuries, you passed out due to exhaustion and stress, all you n

ing doctor Jacob

b was my family doctor, he was discrete and very kind, the fact

fixed with band aid's then lo

facing the ground, he moved

" I asked Soft

oked at me, his e

r fault okay, " I said then gave

he called i

nswered the

y called outs

e in, " I

and stood ne

for your forgiveness,

hing wrong?" I as

s in the clinic I was discharged late, I was about to start

l that she

gry and violent, never call him that ever again. treat him like yo

nswered then

called you those bad wo

is sorry okay,

her then clap

as forgiven you, "

e answered happily then

ou eat someth

ing and pointed

iolent, I know it's strange for you to be here, but I promise you this, sooner or lat

first time, I couldn'

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