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Evil CEO: No Self Control In Love

Chapter 8 Your Woman Is In Trouble

Word Count: 1209    |    Released on: 07/08/2020

Ronan was going to be engaged and she had become the mis

an's mistress. As a mistre

only kee

. Even if your company is back on track, what can you do? You are still a mistress who

m, naturally heard what they said

eren't for you, would Seraphina become like this? I

her words, she rushed up

alized what had happened, she had been beaten him

and Crystal came to their senses and

tard up. Otherwise, he doesn't know what he ha

be so impulsive. Things have turned out like thi



s about to beat Lila, Seraphina pulled Lila behind her i

ow. If you feel uncomfortable, just g

her words. She grabbed her shoulder and asked, "Are yo

esponse. She stared at

ked at the arrogant Seraph

he said, but when he saw her l

him for many years. When he saw such an ex

Crystal said anxious

lap her a few times. W

mes didn't

e looked at him, she seemed to see the shadow of Serap

enly came up with a terrible idea. S

he pink face, James rushed up and grabb

you mean?" Cryst

"It is me who shall a

ught of something. "I saw that you didn't do it, so I

led at her, "Who w


esent was shocked. Didn't he just want to make a m

sk something, but was

t Seraphina pretended to be also disappeared in a

igure it out, she saw Seraphina's lonely face. She wanted to comf

else, she stood up and left,

they had just seen on the Internet by taking photos

the chairwoman of the Mo Group. The Mo Group could turn the tables, it was likely that it was Mr. Qin

, Lila shouted at the crowd, "

ou want to delete it, you can delete it yoursel

Lila wanted to get even wi

quietly watched the

Office of

d. "I said don't work too much. I learned from Declan that you came to the company last night. You've

d of turning the document pa

promised, "Well, I'm not kidding you. Your little woman is in dange

ed at Lucian. Lucian was so frightened that he jumped up from the

ords stopped him

ught, 'How could he have such a g

cture and threw it to him. "Look for yourself! I'm af

a news, and the person in the photo was no one else, but Seraphina,

stay at home, but wh

nted to mak

n didn't dare to disturb him. If he dared to disturb him wh

bout Seraphina that was just uploaded. I don't want to see such news agai

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