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Marry Cold CEO: Need You In My Life

Chapter 8 Ugliness

Word Count: 1163    |    Released on: 31/08/2020

almost recovered. She got up early in the mor

ed as if they had seen a ghost, and th

s weak and sick Mrs. Carole toda

servants, Carole was not disturbed at

ous boxing coach with full momentum, but

that this body w

didn't see that Garnett, who had been standi

today? She had never b

thought of her recent changes. He doubte

hat this woman was the same as before

and had the same background. He couldn't find an

ty-five degrees and sniffed. The air was mixed with the smell of flower

dence! We meet again!" Richie walked tow

Garnett immediately

coldly, looking at him g

ember that you were still making out with me som

witched. When did she have sex

anging expression

shut up! Even dogs are quieter than you." "No, I can't say that.

her, "Carole, you may think he is stronger than me now, but when I am t

d more about whether they could live a comfortable life for the rest of their liv

ion. She said coldly, "Don't put your ugly face in front of me. Do y

her previous life,

were evil no matter what they thought. Everyone

's ear and said, "Have you forgotten the relationship between you and me in the eyes of outsiders?

he pain, Carole'

iced that Garnett was

ether. He couldn't stay any longer. He just wanted to rush out to punch that m

cold the two brothers again. It was not because he was afraid of

as before because of his bad dec

him away in disgust. She patted her body as

ll grandpa and ask him to teach you

would spoil me

arkened and his

ve her face, but she humiliated him aga

was g

et her kneel down and kowtow to beg him to le

at if Randal knew about it, the consequences would be uni

his neck bulged. He couldn't do anything about it. His innate cult

y. She finally got rid of this annoying man. This man was

start practicing again, forgett

ssion could not be seen clearly, but the gentleness from

y could at most respect each other and take what they needed from

ent to having an untouchable scale. If this weakness was

ot close to her. Even if she was as gentle as wate

as if all her strength had been drained

ng for this body. It seems that I still hav

lid down her cheeks. Her clothes, which were wet

alked ove

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