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Lovely Twins: Daddy, Get Our Mommy Back

Chapter 10 Let's Go Home

Word Count: 1023    |    Released on: 28/07/2020

ullied in the hospital, Zoe ran

oung, but what he did really made me embarrassed. I'll teach him a lesson after I marry into the Ji family

n the table and winked at t

loved by Jarrod." Abbe was really disappointed in her niece. She had arranged Zoe to be with Jarvis

really have no way to dea

ral times when she went to Jarvis's house, Earl didn't even let her in and s

ed this morning. Blaine told Abbe that it happened last night. Perhaps Jarvis

ed the doctor about Earl's situation.

bbe's hand holding the cup shook and

then, Jarvis's mother was given this dose for a long time before she had symptoms. But he found it so ear

ase." Abbe said perfunctori

re d

car was already there waiting for her. Nina was so anxio

how can we find them? Will they be okay? " Ni

nd connected it to the Bluetooth in the car. Then he h

looked up at Jarvis an

y young. Only I know about it, so I can locate his pos

ought that Nina had taken Earl out, but the more he thoug


. No one could try to tak

ing 10 kilometers away, and Earl's GPS was there

uddenly understood what Jarvis was going to do.

iolently. The glass of the Buick car was broken, but Jarvis's car was safe and sound. S

face and felt dizzy for a while, but the other perso

e quickly opened the car door. The two babies

wo babies safe and sound. She rush

. In the car, she had just thought that if something

s gentle hug. "Mom, what's wrong wit

s little hand and wiped Nina's tear

iver out of the steering wheel. The driver fell to the ground, s

let you steal

uth. "I... I don't know. I'm in charge of driving. The specific thing was

en you stole?" Jarvis ste

phone that he had put the drug in a wet device in the room and stole the child. He had sai

re. Please take him to the police station and interrogate him." After hanging up

was unque

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