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Your Love Ignites An Ember Of Passion Within Me

Your Love Ignites An Ember Of Passion Within Me

Author: Fu Mo

Chapter 1 Who Is This Woman

Word Count: 1858    |    Released on: 13/07/2020

05, Mapl

started to turn pale. She looked up at the building in front of her. Her gaze

which was a gathering place of people from the upper class

er heart when she thought that Chappell L

e she entered the hotel and get into the elevator

already in front of the

't know what would transpire when the door opene

ecame so obedient that even she couldn't believe herself. She strongly believed that a couple should trust each other and gi

eath and prepared

ouched the wooden door, it sl

t even lock

ed to be so excited that they didn'

e and pushed the door open. She wanted to make sure that she


hole back hit the door. Someone pushed


you!" she yelled thr

nder figure approached her. The next second, she fe

cold sweat, but she plucked up all her co

t of her was no

r. This time, she could smell peppermint mixed with alcohol. Much

lmed her. She didn't k

hotel with a woman. And the sender even gave her the room number. Was everything a lie? She c

. She was about to speak when she felt that he wr

icked her legs hard in hopes that the ma

aged to throw her onto the bed. He pressed his body against hers, his

wn. This is just a misunderstanding," she said in a trembling voice. She tried scratchi

' she though

dedly. From the faint light coming from the window, sh

ould tell from his eyes that he was n

ou cr

unk. Or worse, he

audacious. He grabbed her wai

oping that someone heard her. But as time passed, s

anything to stop the man, who was pressing his body hard against hers. All of a sudd

She subconsciously grabbed his sho

. She took the opportunity that he was in a trance. She pushed

st. But she scratched him again, kicked

behind her as if something

didn't dare to look back

de. She sat on the corridor to calm down as sh

her fingers were a little sticky.

ood. She must have scra

, the wall lamps in the hallway were already on. So

hock when she saw "Room A403"

e number again several times to make sure. It

e up and found out that he was injured? Would he be hunting for her? After all, she knew that anyone who stayed in th

as about to pass through the revolving door, sh

Stop it, okay? Peop

take a look. And her b

n's hand had just held the woman's buttocks. An unsatisfied smile appeared on his face when the woman stopped him. They

up inside her. The man

r she felt just now we

Li!" she c

ting with each other

assment. He pushed the woman beside him slightly and opened his mouth to sa

you here?" he a

nstead, she looked at the wo

a famous brand. She looked familiar to Yoyo too. Her name was Samantha Fang, the daughter of the CEO of the company where Chappell

heir faces, Yoyo sneered. Her whole body

him and whispered in her ear, "Yoyo, it's not what you think it is. Let me explain, okay

it here now," she countered,

nflicts between them. Even if they had some fights, she never dared to speak ill of him, knowing that it mi

ldn't believe his eyes. He had n

s way, they will think that I am bullying you."

k off his ha

lready caught in the act. Are you still going to deny that you're cheating on me? Chappell, I hav

t?" Chappell Li blurted out. This t

an's buttocks," she replied. She then turned to Sa

and shock on her face just now had gradually disappeared. She bit her lip

t understand

ha Fang would somehow feel guilty for coveting Chappell L

her teeth and squinted at her. "You are old enough. You d

on" rang out in Samantha Fang's ears.

but she couldn't thi

looked at her f

s only capable of seducing an old and ugly woman. If she had

even control her man. In this world, whoever is capable always wins. And I know that some women wil

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1 Chapter 1 Who Is This Woman 2 Chapter 2 The Fight3 Chapter 3 Make Things Hard (Part One)4 Chapter 4 Make Things Hard (Part Two)5 Chapter 5 I'll Give You One Minute6 Chapter 6 Oppression7 Chapter 7 The Scumbag, Chappell Li8 Chapter 8 Different Thoughts9 Chapter 9 Be Tricked And Dismissed10 Chapter 10 Rich Man11 Chapter 11 Meet The Boss12 Chapter 12 Enemies Are Destined To Meet13 Chapter 13 The Villain Complains First14 Chapter 14 Playing Hard To Get15 Chapter 15 Offending Patrick16 Chapter 16 Friendship Is Mutual17 Chapter 17 Playing Hard To Get 18 Chapter 18 He Really Comes19 Chapter 19 Getting Better20 Chapter 20 Misunderstanding21 Chapter 21 Good Friends Should Go Together22 Chapter 22 Bitch Matches Dog23 Chapter 23 Patrick Became Her Boyfriend24 Chapter 24 Patrick Became Yoyo's Boyfriend25 Chapter 25 Give Yourself To Me26 Chapter 26 A Social Climber27 Chapter 27 Punishment28 Chapter 28 Denial29 Chapter 29 The Best Boyfriend30 Chapter 30 Flattery31 Chapter 31 Being Kidnapped32 Chapter 32 Add Five Hundred Thousand33 Chapter 33 Crisis34 Chapter 34 I'll Protect You35 Chapter 35 Waking Up36 Chapter 36 Grow Old Together37 Chapter 37 The Murderer Is Revealed38 Chapter 38 Original Wife VS Mistress39 Chapter 39 Defeat The Original Wife40 Chapter 40 Be Trapped Instead Of Seducing41 Chapter 41 Be Slandered Heavily42 Chapter 42 Confession43 Chapter 43 Playboy Liked Acting44 Chapter 44 Being Framed As Mistress45 Chapter 45 Dispute46 Chapter 46 Break Up47 Chapter 47 The Backstage Manipulator48 Chapter 48 Phoebe Was Put Into Prison49 Chapter 49 Disturbance At The Art Exhibition50 Chapter 50 Jealousy51 Chapter 51 Misunderstanding52 Chapter 52 Simple Life Was Enough53 Chapter 53 A Mistress Also Has Her Own Difficulties54 Chapter 54 I Like Everything You Give Me55 Chapter 55 My Eyes Are Fixed On You56 Chapter 56 Love Is Happiness57 Chapter 57 Online Gossip58 Chapter 58 Meet Love At The Corner59 Chapter 59 The Manipulator Behind The Scenes60 Chapter 60 Visit Lester61 Chapter 61 A Good Dog Does Not Block The Way62 Chapter 62 A Disorder In Company63 Chapter 63 Cultivation Manual Of Pretending