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Butterflies & Dreams

Chapter 4 Diamond|Three

Word Count: 887    |    Released on: 18/01/2020

op. It's been a few months since the last encounter, but this time he was holding an ebony wal

after-breakfast' break." C

ent breaks. Are you used to it already, Miss V

sed to if she takes at least 3 breaks daily. And

. "That's what my sister told

it, she returned to her drawing. Somehow, even though it

want to ask me?" Lord Lam

rew for me last time? I tried drawing it too, but it's not as pretty and cute as

t me show you." He took hold of the paint brush and teased, "If I give you some h

said she needed to clear up a storeroom just for Ciel's artwork. At the mention of her friends, she felt a bit lonely. She quick

eally an accomplished artist. Maybe I can only draw kittens?"

n't believe that. Not even one bit! Your

ou notice that whe

aid, "I admit defeat. So are you re

ecide, " Lord Lambert rep


ed the short time they would spend together discussing drawing techniques and when Lo

ir 'joint artworks' were locked in a chest in Ciel's room. When she missed home,

uld not concentrate. Lord Lambert should have arrived last week, even her

teriorating. When they first met he could still walk by himself, slowly he had to use a walking

ry time he replied with his usual smile and the

wondered why he didn't hire a healer. By now Ciel knew that everyone in this world had a power or two, ex

her face. She looked up expectantly. Maybe it's because

nd an old man she recognized as one of L

t a letter to me. She read through the letter quickly and realized that Lord Lambert was

" Ciel asked worriedly. W

ape Ciel's notice. The servant said, "This year's snow storm hit the cap

l my tutor about it and get the

the capital, all Ciel thought was the sense of for

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