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Cold Showers

Chapter 3 Three

Word Count: 2114    |    Released on: 03/10/2019

on as she remembered last night's event. She was also very sore but sore in a good way. Li

around her curvy body and came face to face with Sebastian who was dressing up. His back was turned

essy hair before she spoke. "Good m


at her, said nothing, then turned his attention back to buttoning his shirt. He ma

was starting to get irritated. The slight headache

is Rolex on the nightstand, put it on and

aw him counting a few dollars

is is for your services. Make sure you're out of

opposite of how he was yesterday, As at last night, it was love making but now he was paying her for her services when money was the le

. "You're nothing but an evil bastard!"

ody talks to me that way, " Seb

I was with last night was different from this manipulative bastard I'm looking at. You're t

crossing her boundary. "If you mention that word again, I will

parents gave him everything on a platter of gold. You're a sadist, you have no human feeling and I hop

his ear. "You're the one who is sick. I gave you double of what

ve this was the evil person she gave her virginity to. Last night, he was th

take it away and get the fuck o

ney? You didn't steal anything from

her ears. Was he tryi

herself from it, ignored the soreness and pain in between her

. Get out of here and don't forget to take your stupid money with

but the pain and hurt she was feeling

e picked it up and threw it hard at Sebastian which earned a loud gr

d him so he had no opportunity to dodge when she threw her hee

ed to massage the place the heel hit him. But he couldn't massage it becau

l have I gotten myself into

that the outside world was cruel so he refused to be nice to anyone except his family. To him, women associated themselves with him because of what he has. He gave J

ually, before he wakes up, the lady he had a one night stand with would

decided he couldn't continue to stay nice to her. He knew there was a great attra

ed up being weak and lost everything because of

his fist to knock on the door but he changed his mind. He picked up his suit Jacket, di


the edge of the bathtub and cried. She had spent all her life building her

ast night was the best night of her life, she regrets giving her virginity to him. Sebastian was a devil in di

aying he was paying for her services. She totally felt inferior, like she sold he

owel provided in the bathroom. Unconsciously, she took a glance at the mirror in front

nd some on her stomach. He was all possessive over her last n

She picked up her dress and underwear from the floor, put them on, reached for her purse and the money.

throughout the day but she was in no mood to do anything. She just wished she could see Sebastian Miller

m, soaked herself in her bathtub for a while, then tried to wash off Sebastian's scent from her. No matte

her hair in a messy bun and applied some ointments on the hickeys on her body. She went back into her room, gulped down


ould tell it was Lilian, her best friend who was trying to wake her up from her d

a glance at the alarm clock on her nightstand, she saw that it was almost 7 pm, She slept for so long. She couldn't bl

arrive?" She

giving you more time to sleep but I couldn't take it any

oticed the hickeys on Jayda's neck and cleavage ar

't keep your hands off each other. Damnnnn, you finally got laid, I'm so

ssessive, do they hurt?" Lilian re

, she gulped down a glass of wa

broke up." S

at do you mean?" Sh

ent to his place so we could celebrate my promotion but i

e more than I've ever been there for him, he's looking for someone to settle down with and I

er eyes. "You were right all along. I

perfect man for her. He was handsome, rich, respectful and loving but her best friend w

talk to him, "

ld leave with. Besides, I think nemesis already caught up with

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