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The Billionaire Casanova in Love

Chapter 5 Silence Before The Storm...

Word Count: 917    |    Released on: 06/01/2019


from my sleep. I got soo irritated that I open

I quickly sat up. Oh shit! The pain between my legs?! And I was naked! 'Ho

s skill. He made my first time memorable. I felt as though I already know him, as

orning activities and went down to find him. Yesterday I might have not give

was damn hungry and I felt sore at that place. I need a nice relaxing bath! As I stepped into the kitchen, I saw

. Just yesterday he looked at me with so muc

rong?' I


ing while walking almost limping

I said ignori

I was about to get it.

red. Your not supposed to pick someone

'hello' her eyes went wide. She gave back th

ell from her, rolling my eyes and we


and what exactl

st night what

fake smile! I should have known. He is so freakin

pared my plate. It s

ing at me. But when I looked up at him, he pretend

. My housekeeper will clean it up and you can go take a s

ave. And anyways I don't have

get you some clothes" he said sternly finally lo

I said

imidating. I feel

talks..so manly! His voice! Whenever he talks his adam's apple moves up

was roaming but I fou

limping. But was able to handle myself infront of him during breakfast. I don't want him

t that would be gross. Maybe he wouldn't like it. I smiled to mysel

towel that was hanging. When I got out of the shower I saw

s my exact size. And there was a pretty bright

dy so obsessed with him. He makes me forget all my worr

beautiful, confident and happy. I collected all m

o stupid, I picked his phone thinking it's mine' I thought and

d phone on the table and went towards that sound. I got to know that it was

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