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Brother and Sister


Word Count: 1038    |    Released on: 29/11/2017

ther, very pink and clean from his hot bath and

Mother, I've an engagement at eight o'clock and it's quarter pa

llowed Brother into the roo

en in Dick's room today,

e memory had been

in a very little voice. "

to smile at her. "What did you

ellie Yarrow, and afterward I-I left them

ess she had been wearing wa

lping themselves to whatever they want; those buttons were my solid gold ones and my good studs were i

ephone, leaving a sorrowful Sister curle

ed. "The buttons are in the pocket. Oh, Mother, it's

And Dick is trying to smooth down Nina Carson, who seems to be in a bad way. Want any

at Molly's country sister had once called them, and

Morrison decidedly. "I have forbidden her, time and again, to touch anything in Dick's room. Take

were so full of salt water she couldn't find the arm

tairs and wait while she hunts for the buttons; and after

the last step and held the door open, Sister snapped on the light and found the blue dress on top of the basket that stood under the chute. Surely enough, th

ent to call on a girl. "Scoot now, Sister-I'm going out on the por

beside the electric lamp, and had just picked up his magazine, when there w

said quickly, hugging him

n surprise. "Thought you were in bed

ed Sister hurriedly, "and Dick wants his

s she rushed past him a

ther Morrison. "Sis

tightly in her hand, ran upstairs.

"I'd about given up hope-and if you

tily. "Honest Injun, I won't.

h a stiff collar befor

e," he announced grimly. "Don't stand there

r bath, dear," cal

r? What are you waiti

ss me good-night," ans

at her. Then

and kissing her soundly. "Now will

. When she came out of the bathroom, she found Brot

her earnestly, "you call me, 'cause I want t

f you're not awake?"

y. "It's my birthday present, and I w

er window, for the night was warm, and snapped off the

ispered Sis

me sleepily

lp looking when Ral


. I wouldn't look first if it was your birthd

a big yawn came and

a paper," she murmured hope

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