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The Billionaire's Struggle

The Billionaire's Struggle


Chapter 0 Introduction

Word Count: 827    |    Released on: 23/10/2018

ise. He used to live a very happy and fulfilled life until his Legally

strong for his daughter. He promised to take care very good c

ain and take care of his daughter with the

est to send Guy and Silvia to school till their masters level and now she's a proud mother of two successful childre

ter's PreSchool telling him his daughter had fainted. Luckily, the hospital she was taken to was

ghter never wakes up?" But his sister assure

ital before going to work and every evening after work. He also

rt and she also understands her mom is no more. She was still happy because she has her dad, her aunt and grandma. Hopefu

na is always being visited by her grand

uation. Emerald is 23, she has no parents and is just an ordinary cleaner at the hospital Silvia works. Sometimes she had little food to eat and most times, she

d of every month if she takes care of Luna. Since then, Emerald has been taking care of Luna. She goes to Luna's room every day to clean her room, change he

just feels connected to her and loves talking about herself to

r's hair at the same time. Anna was very impressed. She saw the love Emeral

Luna's accident, He has become less focused. And now he just lost a gr

been happening to him and most importantly for losin

er in the club, he couldn't resist himself. The last time he had sex was with his deceased wife. That was because he swore not to have an affair with any other woman and besid

dy was gone without any trace except with her beauti

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