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The Secret Babies

Chapter 4 Four

Word Count: 1732    |    Released on: 22/10/2018

uler to ever live. Dreams do come true, only if you have courage and be kind. And also wi

stories, covered her properly with the duvet and gave her a goodnight kiss. Abby stood there for a while, watching her daughter sleep.

happened the night the twins were conceived. The more She tried to hate him fo

lives. She dreads the day they will ask for their fat

oom and went to check o

f four bedrooms. A master bedroom, two small rooms for La

om. The master bedroom had its own bathroom while the other rooms h

and gave him a kiss on his forehead. He looked so much like Liam, his Dad. Abby switched off

t a few minutes past eight. She was expecting her boss. He promised to com

ed to arrange the kitchen and all their

ith everything. She looked around and smiled, s

uld be able to save more money from her salary and she smiled at the thought of her childre

ometown yesterday morning which was Saturday Morning. S

l was happy Angela went with her because she disliked anything that

first time travelling by air. Abigail was very happy a

the twins earlier today, to get to know

s glad the head of school agreed to meet them on a Sunday. Gabby will be the one to pick up the twins from sch

nt well and now she was excited fo

She knew it was her boss because he was the only


you so much, " Damon

ps. "I will miss you, too,

ng guys." Liam groaned,

ew more minutes."Damon replied the

rning for a shoot and won't be back until the following week. So Damon came to have dinner with the

prise for everyone so they should all be at the club by 9.30 pm. Only close friends were invited to th

ou said you still have somewhere to go befo

er he comes to Liam's parents house an

corted to their car by

arents' mansion but closer to his family's Company. Anna,

ll and were both engaged. Heaven knows they were very eager

Sister and Damon did the same, sealing the hug with a kiss. They p

good terms. Anna blamed Liam for being the reason Abigail left. If he h

a and heard that Abigail no longer worked for them. H

hrough, he came to realize the extent of which he had wronged and hurt

h himself. Damon couldn't help but notice Liam's worry so Liam had no c

Liam took Damon's advice and was determined to make things right but

to move on, but with the he

h his Sister, Anna and now they were so insep


come inside?" Damon asked Liam

ey decided to take Damon's car to the club so in case

g his attention back to his phone.

" Damon


r for Damon, greeted h

ad you've made yourself comfortable, and nice decorations by

got a helping hand so it

offer you?" She said. They've bo

iefly, just to make sure you're comfortable. I have a friend

ded in unde

about a school for the twins? Or you nee

rted. I shall resume

I hired you. I should get back to my friend before he gets all gr


lways made sure they were comfortable. As Damon often says, if his staff were comfort

amon for that as he h

hey proceeded to their usual VIP spot. This was their reg

ionate kiss. They had been dating fo

r close friends. They talked about different things, en

ing the love of his life. He took ou

attention by hitting an emp

spot) wasn't that noisy but neither was it quiet. "I invited you guys because I hav

gently placing her right h

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