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Born to be a slave.

Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 1261    |    Released on: 18/07/2018

?" a voice of a wo

needs to be

to the baths." I was taken h

. She will be bathing in this

green eyes. Hair was tied in a neat ponytail. It was short and I could guess, when she left them loose, they reached only to her shoulders. From her outfit, I could tell s

aving me alone wi

rvous. I did not know what to expect from such a young boy, who was s

ut a warning, he started to

filthy t

y heart was hammering in my chest and my breathing was hard. I felt a

struggled to keep his hands away, he was so strong... . I with my weak lim

ers and now I was standing naked in front of th

don't want this.

nt. And I want you to get in that bath as fast as possib

e my heart ache, as well as all the times my previous owners said nasty things to me. He seemed s

ng two buckets of water. From one of them came a cloud of thick steam, while other looked to be cold water. They poured it in the tub

for her to wear. And..... tell somebod

kind. Names of normal people, free people, not like me, who had

with Fiona. I felt more comfortable with her than

does not like to wait. What is your name?" Fi

while wiping the

na's voice was not demanding, but more

y climb over the edge. As soon as water touched my feet, I

.." I said quietly, like talking to myself

l ... there is a first time

g to be silenced. She seemed to be a nice per



master? I

on as I asked her the question, that was

girl." Fiona lowered her voice to a whisper.

er my nose while Fion

you." she s

am just a slave...." I

th in his tub? Hm? No one is allowed to use his belongi

" Edmund shouted from another room

ed to him in higher tone, s

e I could see on the shelves. It was not Edmund's I could guess. Fiona must have taken it from so

clothing in her hands. It looked like a nightgown. She gently pulled it o

Fiona guided me back into his bedroom,

iona, waving with his hand to

ence. His form was casually laying on his bed

Fiona said it is because he is special.... Or is it becaus

have brought earlier. It had some vegetables, brown, glazed meat with some

nt somethi

I was not allowed to just

ot eaten the whole day." Edmund

very unsure. Was he joking? How could I be allowed to take

his face was serious and I c

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