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The Bad Boy's Daughter

The Bad Boy's Daughter


Chapter 1 NO.1

Word Count: 1095    |    Released on: 04/06/2018


tale before grabbing my phone

Mum smiled, ki

d opens his arms and I st

smiled, kissing

AND IT WAS HIS FUNERAL!) They didn't end up getting married but they were really close and Blake took it harder than all of us. We all loved him but him and Blake

very close. They were so over prot

ically, I have never h

g around my shoulder as we wall left. We all got

n the passenger seat a

ng to yesterday after school?" Liam

a friend" I smile

e a friend" He says

iend?" Blake asked, his eyes

d her" Li

the first move?" Blake asked

he twin

e, although

friend and j

r" Liam confi

asked, running his ha

st as Alex shouted,

e brothers and an over protective dad was

or mum didn't speak to them. For one week. Mum didn't even kiss dad or tie his tie

t they considered "normal". They

And she'll ban you from the xbox and I won't speak to

im?" Alex asked an

ike is scared to date me because of

hem all, okay? There are only like 2 guys I don't mind you dating as much a

pouted. You know, to prove m

that no guy takes advantage of you. You don't

mature out of all three broth

you don't calm down" I mutter

s if a guy ever touched y

e gets out, Alex opens my door for me a

o the right and Alex was behind. They were

er protective" I sa

ter. Who else can I enjoy scaring apart fr

ve a boyfriend because of y

" He

even though I was more than

ch class I had and walk me to my next class, they would sit with me

ey always made sure at least

that every one was scared to say anyt

ars ago I got jumped. I was beat up pretty badly and nea

otective as they are now. They feel

?" I hear Liam ask, he w

e was the hottest guy in school- sandy blonde hair and bright

me back. I heard rumours h

lake" Drew turns to Bla

all captain and Bla

ut?" Alex asked an

off the team. He smiled at her. That's all. He kn

nd they walk me

" Alex whispers

" Liam smiled and

o" I smile before

laughs before we walks away

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