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The GangLeader's Girl

Chapter 4 NO.4

Word Count: 1529    |    Released on: 04/06/2018


as pale, it looked like the life was taken out

I say wit

and I was thinking moving in

eared and powerful gang. I mean, talking about our likes and i

my mums opin

vely boy, Ally" she

leader" I say. My mum looks

softly, "remember Tom?" She asked. She seemed sad

'bad boy' who was in a gang, he sadly

d of being hurt but you have your whole life ahead of you. Enjoy it. If the boy treats

l early this morning but I feel like its too intense. Especiall

iet, just until you feel comfortable" she says and i nod,

" I s

ed with a tex

um asked. I laughed

k: are y

t the hospital with my mum before

ed around your finger"

went of

after. We need to discuss som

phone and my

ng?" She as

tly we need to talk about something"

do we need to t

oftly before takin

opic we both hate talking about. She feels crap because

if, I just need a bi

s, she broke eye cont

Mum, I love you" I smile

you too,

I answer when I see

I could hear his sm

asier. I was just going to talk t

e to the hospital?!" Mum says

other?" He aske

come here if you want" I say and my

out after? To speak about i

" I s

y" he replies befo

d and I nodded my head, smili

iled and I r

, he doesn't know which room you are in" I say. Sh

led like a school girl and I feel my hea

up not too long after. I was nerv

idea. We would be friends, I would

ely interested in me but I don't know about him. I ju

ick was so hot (I cringed at the choice of wording) but I didn't know how

es him, I know she

lk into the hospital and

ked, he looked weary because of what I told h

a boy who will be in my life regardl

e her?" I return the question. M

walk into my mothers room to s

Nick and I and sh

he says a little too loudly. I didn't mind thoug

e, "I see where Ally gets her look

a loud laugh, an

to drink? Mum

ater please Al

e before he talks to my m

cond. My eyes ached and

ng in another sugar than what I usually have. I grab my

y mum smiled as I

hing the two interact. I don't even t

gs me out of my daze as h

elt forced but I don

before he gave me a look which sai

X-rays done" my mum says and I nod. I hug her good

ove in with that handsome boy. He real

ld think about it before

elf too hard. Working 70 hours a week with no sleep is not health

to earn t

ike seven zero?!" He asked. I laug

more. Then I'm keeping some back to pay off all of her debt just in case s

y eyes at night, I see him. I see his evil smile and the rage

simple shrug before w

somewhere" he adds and then almost s

y which wasn't wrong. He was amazing to spend time with, so funny and cha

ace light up like

turns on the radio slightl

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