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Angelic Affairs

Angelic Affairs


Chapter 1 ONE

Word Count: 1160    |    Released on: 04/06/2018


elaide screeched through the p

at the inside joke. Moving from place to place ev

costume!" She said excitedly, I could pr

wings on." I lied, putting her on FaceTime. I put my phon

ped off the tape around my abdomen. I held back a cry. It's really uncomforta

your window and fly away? I ignored

my waist and spread out. I stretched them a little, giving myself a small smile in the mirror. They were about three feet

our costume now?" Adelai

n my dark brown hair. I held up my phone and

s pathetic. I waved my hand around in the

alone, B

'll do what I

that he's m

ay they could communicate with me is through my mind. They're both trapped in hell at the mome

been in the this town for two months and I was already growing somewhat restless. This town was smaller t

ied once more watching myself in the mirror. I


but she could be nice when she wanted to be. Afte

a guy who'd be good

and they wouldn't be getting my blood tonight. A few years back I watched the Supernatural series and t

the chair so tightly that the wood started to bend slightly and I looked up at my reflection. My eyes gleamed red and I hissed at the mirror. When the feeling

f red and I sighed. If Barbatos wasn't the Duke of Hell,

se it was close enough and I don't think I

party, I heard a whimpering in the bush. I narrowed my eyes and approached it slowly. Underneath the

ty to talk to animals so I gues

ing, but when the sound hit my ears I he

there was a thorn in its right paw. "This is

to heal people other than myself. I decided to give it a shot. I closed my eyes and imagined my energy at my fingertips. I could feel the warm

t down and standing up. My back hit somet

nder. I could faintly make out his frame, but the street lig

hensively. "Great, me to

tioned, as he motioned f

ver at him to drink in his features. He had blonde hair that was slicked back to fit his vampire cos

e?" He asked me,

r and my father. They figured that since they were both somewha

m laugh

" Eric said sassily. I cringed, was he

I zone


trying to incorporate details into how he is and who she is,

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