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Chapter 3 CHAPTER 4-His Pleas

Word Count: 3710    |    Released on: 15/05/2018

eally here. He's re


try that he looked down at, why is here now? I ju

dressed in grey and black, his soft brown hair smartly made; his bangs neatly aligned to the side. His face was as handsome as I had last seen it, his sexy lips smirki

his chest and then a part of me wanted to break down and cry. . . while there was also a part of me

is dictating that I should choose the later as all that had happened to me because of him

His smirk widened into a grin as he advanced toward

. The tears were threatening to prick my eyes but I held

it if you left immediately. I have someone very importa

idder, " I mumbled and then gasped as

at venomously. So he has been keeping tabs

n I not know about the well b

cupped my chin in his hand all of a sudden that send chills down my spine and

ed that." He remarked. I slapped his hand away and glare

sked through clenched t

r ant decent tourism services so I thought that I should stop by your place and ask you to give me a tou

side my lawn. First he barges into my life u

tedly as he got near me but

him but before I could get inside the house, he caught my arm and turned me to face him. His breat

, honey?" he said smugly, tou

inside of me was getting excited but

quickly ran up the stairs to my room and grabbed my check. There w

e turned out to be fake because there was just no way he had that much money. I mean, sure he's rich but he's not like Rothschild rich. If I had cashed it, it would ha

. I took the cheque and shoved it in his chest. He didn't move an inch to pick it up w

ou any good than you are wrong. If you think that by showing up and buying my house

n anything b

putting me through the torture of your whims and then leaving me broke then you got another thing coming. I

have just said. I just came here to help." He said. I scoffed. "No. .

take way more than that to make me believe because I don't believe that you are capable of helping anyone but yourself." I stated and tore the cheque into shreds a

o trust me on this, I really do intent to help you" He said and wrote another cheque. After teari

He wrote two more cheques and I tore them apart-but the amazing thing was that he wasn't

e for? Are you here to see me suffer or are you here to laugh at my face at my vulnerability." I said with closed eyes. I felt a touch on the sides of my face. He had cupped my face delicately, his eyes piercing through mine. The tears were pricking my eyes-it has been s

e my faults, I want to say. . . I want you back." He murmured. My eyes dashed open and I pushed him away f

ed to collect myself but my anger was going through the roof. "You still have th

r you?" I jeered venomously. "You were the one who said that after you have the Chairman's position, you will divorce m

st my trust; something that I had worked so hard to believe in. You broke us!" I yelled in a high pitched voice. And what was more frustrating was the composure that h

run of out of it-now if you don't leave right no

of the very house that

ving him here in front of me and acting so indifferent as if we didn't have the ultimat

't leave write now than I will have y

rong with a husband

cket and took out a paper and unfolded it. "Oh really 'cause the signature on

t prove that that signature is mine, period

y intent on getting rid of me, "

t you are

I am seething with hate

ver but I needed to be strong. He saw my determination so he sat on t

line. I have decided that I don't wan

chair. "Is that supposed to affect me? Is that suppose to tell me to condone all

to forgive me at o

the idea that I wo

I stared at him in disbelief. "What are

e else except for I." h

't nee

to pacify me but I wasn'

for your money. According to you, I was an agent working with you

ng, " I heard him mu

ut what did

s wrong. I was qu

hoose to be a Muslim. I don't see how you can win my trust with so many evidences of your treachery. Do you expect me to just overlook them and go with you? No, you are wrong Mr.

You don't need to disturb my life now that I have finally settled dow

ss the face. That gave my palm a sharp sting of pain but it gave my heart some peace and fulfillment. He didn't look at me as his eyes were cov

ou sat

arly as

that I dese

no right to meddle in my affairs. What I do now has nothin

our ass out of my door." I spat in English. I

d the mercy in your heart and grant me a night's stay

and off of my arm but he didn't let go. His grip got tighter and his eyes glared at me with a deadly glare. I felt a l

est room." I said and r


y since he came back. He ha

ince morning and I couldn't go out to eat anything because I didn't have any money. I didn't even have my cell phone a

was oozing out of my uncovered window. I tossed and turned in my quilt and grabbed my empty stomach. I

mped when I saw a bare, perfectly chiseled pale muscul

ed and switched on my lamp. I thi

ocking up?" he asked with an arched brow

my bed and placed a plastic bag in front of me. it smelle


ungry so I bought dinner." He

ard him scoff and he heard my stomach growl. I

u hate me but at least ea

ncovered my face and gazed down at me softly. No matter how much

d me of the time when he was almost killed and I was so upset that he tried his

ew it, I ate the whole chicken. I licked my fingers an

" he s

acted ob

even have anything to eat in your kitche

to prove?" I taunted. He

oftly and took my hand and placed it on his heart.

asy. He's doing that again, looking at me with those eyes that he knows well enough that I ca

or one night. And put on a shirt, if someone had seen you, they would m

ted and tried to release myself but the weight of his body on me forced me to lie down with his towering me. he forcefully opened my mouth and sucked in my tongue. I almost felt disgusted but I had missed

e flushed. My lips were swollen from such a deep kiss. I saw him sitting on the bed and looking

er touch

ped and rushed in front of me. I

I'll apologize. . ., " he stated cr

earted apology? All I want from you right now is to leave my room." I stipulated. His nostrils fl

d caught me cheating on you? Would you have tolerated such i

id and walked to grab my pillo

but not like this. I hope that I don't find you here when I wake up tomorrow and I hope to see the divorce pap

other vow. I crie

what will h






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1 Chapter 0 PROLOGUE2 Chapter 1 CHAPTER 1- A fresh Start3 Chapter 2 CHAPTER 2- A new Worry4 Chapter 3 CHAPTER 4-His Pleas5 Chapter 4 CHAPTER 5- The Conditions6 Chapter 5 CHAPTER 6- Back To NYC7 Chapter 6 CHAPTER 7- daring.8 Chapter 7 CHAPTER 8- Challenging.9 Chapter 8 A glimpse in the past-- Shehzad Atish10 Chapter 9 CHAPTER 9- The Date11 Chapter 10 CHAPTER 10- The Conversation.12 Chapter 11 CHAPTER 10- The Conversation13 Chapter 12 CHAPTER 11- Agitation14 Chapter 13 CHAPTER 12-Problems15 Chapter 14 CHAPTER 13- Guardian Angel16 Chapter 15 CHAPTER 14- Friends17 Chapter 16 A Glimpse Into The Future--Shehzad Atish18 Chapter 17 CHAPTER 15- Let Bygones Be Bygones19 Chapter 18 CHAPTER 16- Leader Of The Flyboys20 Chapter 19 CHAPTER 17- Precious Times21 Chapter 20 CHAPTER 18- Surprisingly enough22 Chapter 21 CHAPTER 19- Constance Brundidge23 Chapter 22 CHAPTER 20- worries24 Chapter 23 CHAPTER 21- Discreetly25 Chapter 24 CHAPTER 21- Discreetly26 Chapter 25 CHAPTER 24- Childish27 Chapter 26 CHAPTER 25- How It Came To Be28 Chapter 27 CHAPTER 26- Confusing Mishaps29 Chapter 28 CHAPTER 27-Disheveled Thoughts30 Chapter 29 CHAPTER 28- enticing memories31 Chapter 30 CHAPTER 29- Hope32 Chapter 31 CHAPTER 30- The Tragedy33 Chapter 32 CHAPTER 31- Rekindling.34 Chapter 33 CHAPTER 32- Counting Stars and the Moon35 Chapter 34 IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT36 Chapter 35 CHAPTER 33- Written On The Wind37 Chapter 36 CHAPTER 34-No More Secrets38 Chapter 37 TREAT CHAPTER- Shehzad Atish39 Chapter 38 CHAPTER 35- The Debutante Ball40 Chapter 39 CHAPTER 36- A New Day41 Chapter 40 CHAPTER 37- Silently Departed42 Chapter 41 CHAPTER 38- My Life's Philosophy43 Chapter 42 CHAPTER 39-Filling The Void44 Chapter 43 CHAPTER 40- By Your Side45 Chapter 44 CHAPTER 41- Darker Symphonies of White46 Chapter 45 Epilogue