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Roses for Juliet

Roses for Juliet


Chapter 1 Roses for Juliet

Word Count: 1819    |    Released on: 14/03/2018


arker, "Come one, come all and se

the part about the perfo

ht the impulse to roll his eyes as his client stormed and raged around the office like a caged beast. He watched the gestures and listened to the

b, promoting the careers of the famous faces. And he was good at it. He represented some of the top personalities of the world of the stage and scre

ally a combination babysitter, confessor and janitor. He was good at that job too. Steve allowed hims

be. He paused to take a sip of his scotch and soda, then effortlessly slid into Phase 2. Steve resi

e had absolutely nothing to do with whatever went wrong. It was not his fault. Someone else was to blame. It wasn't until Nick felt full

the day. Many of Steve's clients called him in at odd hours and she knew not to disturb him if the door was closed. She would hold all calls and visitors automatically. They

tter what disaster had struck the actor this time, it was most definitely his fault. In the six years Steve had done business with the man he had won three Emmys and been nominated for

ssage would not show to the pacing man. Steve doubted he would notice, given his state of mind but Steve was one who noticed details and it would bother him. He had worked hard to

's skin was pale with hectic spots of color flaming across his cheekbones. His famous wavy locks were in complete disarray. Steve was frequently presented with the less than glossy appearance of the actor but rarely had he gotten this bad.

?" Nick whined. Steve

fault, " he replied auto

could coun

holding up his hand to stop Nick's interruption. "I know it isn't your fault but if I a

own. Steve knew in Nick's mind, they were always responsible for everything. Nick closed his

here. A little fun there. Nothing wrong with a little fun now and again. And I don't know, I was flying pretty high, feeling no pain and all by the ti

or from a number of difficulties there. A fact Nick always conveniently forgot. The last time it had taken quite a lot of cash and

Great tits, long legs. Anyway we were getting pretty down in the booth you know, " Nick smile

head back to my place. We barely made it back to my place, man you should have seen the bang up parking job I did. My garden

mes, " Stev

nd well she was just dead." Nick went silent and swallowed hard. Steve sighed. This wasn't the first time he had been forced to remove

he now?" St

red. "I didn't know what to d

our cleaning servic

hey come o

steps needed in his mind. "Now, people may remember that you left with her from the club." A look

p, " Nick repeated.

t creative with it. Just that she was

orate, " Ni

he garage for me to pull my car in." Luckily Nick had a garage attached to the house with only a d

"It's hot outside man." Steve ground his teeth

ack in the air conditioned garage soon, but I need to pull my car i

t, " h



o be done more difficult. "Fine, Juliet. Now will you park outside for me?" Nick nodded. "Great, " Steve led him towa

ck asked as he led h

tton for him. The doors slid open with a ding. Nick got on the elevator and

s is a bad one

ant to know." She smile

schedule do you

Oh and call Eric and t

All it said was Eric and a number. It was a number she only had to dial

sk. She didn't

nd pressed the down arrow for the elevator. Leaving Nick alone wi

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