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The Story of the Mimosa

Chapter 2 Black Flower

Word Count: 1986    |    Released on: 11/02/2018

him (after all it was not every day a man got to see his new boat) but something had urged him to be careful. When he entered the ship yard he knew why. After locating the master

t of light, so most of the reflection that normally shows the nor

d up as he noticed he was pushed into the wrong corner. This was not going well. A

can save when everyone thinks the ship is smaller than it is! I think that would be worth an extra thousand credits. Of course, if you don't agree that's worth the

o knock at least another two thousand credits off the price. He followed the master shipbuilder into the lift that took them to the ramp that took them

he ship. And exactly that gave him that sinking feeling. So far there was nothing that was not worth the price of the builder, except that walk they had to make over the g

ow deck if you want, "

d every detail of the ship's internals. If worst came to worst, he'd have that information, cancel the order of the ship and see if he could find someone who

was a rather large building on the deck there which looked odd and out of place. The man opened the huge centre doors w

bvious. Going down the awkward steps was

t, " the shipbuilder

spoken question mark

. The man had no clue. The sui

engines were placed. "This is a danger zone, " the shipbuilder said. "Only skil

at hit him in the face made his inner person want to turn and run away screaming. Being a gentleman and a trader in illegitimate goods, he could not do this, so he simply nodded and said that he understood exactly why this was a dangerous

o use the ship with something like that?" Blokman did not even feel safe with the stai

laces, but so far no one had been able to prove a problem with the engines. "As for the safety in the engine room, there is a provision for that. We can create a special suit for going inside that space. As I already said, the stairs a

ing ring and be one of the best and fastest. That was why he wanted this model, he had heard miracles about it. Many of them overdone of course, but when someone like Barning H

and dignity. You can get the suit for a thousand - no, nine hundred credits. That is a substantial disc

ts, " Blokman said and not afraid to sho

. five hun

was set, so he accepted the offer, knowing that he was being tak

it as of tomorrow then. No one i

is the maximum speed of this ship? I have heard from a friend that this

hich are very conservative, this ship will achieve a maximum of nine hundred gorabs per semi-harp." That threw Blokman. He knew that the ship wa

the man. "I do wonder how you maintain a layer of breathable air on

cial component built into the middle mast up there, the big one. It's connected to one of the machines down there which gives it

"In short and simple you

what I'

under-construction was then taken to one of the doors next to the huge ones on t

painted by the pattern in the wood against the wall? This corridor

it? It's the light." In truth he hadn't noticed it before, but keepin

uilding dock and not in the water, Blokman Rufer asked how this was done. The shipbuilder explained that the portholes were all virtual. "You can't open them, and there is a control her

. It was a large space with an old chair

man wondered where the controls wo

p. If you can send someone over who will ca

n corrected the shipbuilder, "an

thought of a name a


. I was thinking of 'Black Flower' m

" Blokman Rufer could really not be bothered by these kinds of insignificant details. "I think I

amp that took them to the lift that took them to the ground, and from there the client left the s

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1 Chapter 1 Builder talk2 Chapter 2 Black Flower3 Chapter 3 The captain4 Chapter 4 The first trip5 Chapter 5 Going there6 Chapter 6 Getting there, where nothing is impossible7 Chapter 7 Crystal, crystal on the deck8 Chapter 8 The Thunderbrick9 Chapter 9 Strange languages and old tech10 Chapter 10 Shipstripping11 Chapter 11 Finishing up12 Chapter 12 NAD13 Chapter 13 Up and away14 Chapter 14 The Harmony Clan15 Chapter 15 We have you in our sight16 Chapter 16 The metal suit17 Chapter 17 The mothership18 Chapter 18 The man in the suit19 Chapter 19 Darwin20 Chapter 20 Drone Down21 Chapter 21 Welcome to Greater Darwin22 Chapter 22 Wanted23 Chapter 23 The story of Gwyddion and Frank McAbercrombieson24 Chapter 24 Going Walkabout and meeting Frank25 Chapter 25 Ninnie drives a hard bargain26 Chapter 26 Lago di Garda27 Chapter 27 The show, the show, Rebel likes the show28 Chapter 28 Shrymp on the barbie29 Chapter 29 Barbie on the shrimp30 Chapter 30 The recluse in the suit31 Chapter 31 A matter of light32 Chapter 32 Metal man, flying fish33 Chapter 33 Lake Garda34 Chapter 34 Welcome to Italy35 Chapter 35 Visitors36 Chapter 36 Bardolino, brace yourself37 Chapter 37 And what now, Maurizio Blunt38 Chapter 38 Tank39 Chapter 39 Job offer40 Chapter 40 Not your average ice place41 Chapter 41 Water moon42 Chapter 42 Row boats and paddle-people43 Chapter 43 Stormy sea44 Chapter 44 Worries about a captain45 Chapter 45 A present46 Chapter 46 Hibbies47 Chapter 47 We'll fix you48 Chapter 48 Getting away49 Chapter 49 Solar flare50 Chapter 50 The planet51 Chapter 51 A strange meeting52 Chapter 52 Warrior women53 Chapter 53 A jolly lot