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Running From The Billionaire

Running From The Billionaire


Chapter 1 NO.1

Word Count: 1153    |    Released on: 26/01/2018


He had called me in his office 10 minutes ago, although I didn't know wh

esk. However, there was a man sitting on one of the visiting chairs. He was dressed in a business suit. His hair was st

s smiling, which made me smile for some weird reason. Maybe it was because he had a very genuine and beautif

wanted to see me

e come in, " Mr. C

ched his desk, I stopped and waited for Mr.

hair strangely. If I didn't know any better, I'd say it wa

re to introduce you to y

uld be an understatement

did you say...Ne

of this company, which would be known as Benson Enterprise

no, he was the kind of gorgeous that only existed in fantasies. The one you wanted to spend atleast

had an aristocratic nose with high cheekbones, and lips so perfect you could spend hours kissing them. And

e a girl's dream; yet they were also the reason why those girls ended up in tears. And that was wh

extending his hand for me to shake. I looked at him for a few seconds.

ad no choice as I was the assistant and not the boss. So with everything in

" I replied, and was surprised at

years, and I can safely say that she is best assistant in

xactly..." I trailed off, not knowing what else to say. Not t

ng modest." Mr. Caldwe

are you leaving the company, sir?" I q

stries, and now he is the owner and the new boss of the

ell? And more importantly, what about me? I couldn't find a

u, sir?" I asked, v

ce. I believe it's about time I step down anyways, I need t

is safe. Instead of being my assista

t? Oh no, I couldn't be his assistant. The guy made me feel all squirm

nstead of voicing my disbelief and anger at the

and Mr. Benson will get along

er to where he was now standing, and wrapped my arms around him. No

ntues. The sound of throat clearing had us breaking apart. We both looked up and s

hink we should finish our conver

h your work, while Mr. Benson and I finish our conversation."

t not before looking behind me and finding Mr. Benso

g forward to working f



irst story and I hoped you a

e know what you guys think,

or this story or anything else

is dedicate

ou for


e c


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