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The Adventures of Larson and Garrett - A Werewolf in the Dark

Chapter 9 No.9

Word Count: 524    |    Released on: 29/12/2017

d nodded. "You?

is mustache as his head bounced.

tract, I guess. That's the problem with

d at the warrior. He thought perhaps

next contract in Pallis


hau, " Lar

re you going to do if you don't find your br

. The truth was that the truth was complicated. "I want to do wh


ers, " Lars

. The guard showed their respective chests of gold. Even split into containers of six hundred pieces it was a lot of gol

ep it all?" Lars

you documents of how much you have. It's all very official. Once you have

..like, say, four of

's next few words. "Here's two gold, go lay it on Ricky, and ask him to sel


, " Holden

open, which made Holden laugh even more. "Why woul

d its jaws when it grabbed you, you know? You were never in any danger, " he smiled.


ns repa

means, " Larson

red. "For that kid I got killed three mont

amily, " Larson suggeste

e truly needs it. Use it to make yourself better, and use it to make people's lives better." Larson didn't know what to say. He just nodded,

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