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The Millionaire Obsession

Chapter 2 Roman Knight

Word Count: 456    |    Released on: 20/12/2017

d this definitely wasn't his room. As compared to his dark room this room was more feminine. He

ndy, Sandy, Cindy?,

e found it amusing how he used them like toys then break their hearts. They always came running in his arms even if he treated them like trash. Some people said he was heart less, s

ked up his cloth as he was about to leave she entered the room. He could

ome fun again, " she said pouting, trying

Roman had enough fun. She ran her perfectly manicured hands up

ed but I don't want to see your face again Candy". Her face turned into a mortifie

om. He could hear her cursing him and screaming like a mad woman

ing for him outside the apartment. "Good morning, M

ng Johnson

ne sir. T

rough his hair. Today he had very important board meetings to attend the thought itse

badly to handle the hect

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