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What Will People Say?

Chapter 5 No.5

Word Count: 1921    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ne elaborate hat stuck in the back of a seat, and one silk tie that had fallen out of the wire rack he kicked under the row ahead. He had an impulse to go af

entr'acte before. Forbes knew it was a drink he had gone out for the moment he

He was not in the lobby, nor among the men smoking on the sidewalk or dashing across the street to one of

ger glance with such blank indifference that F

though he knew that he could have but a few puffs of it. And it was

y oblivious of each other as the two traditional Englishmen who wer

igarette and made to leave that Forbes mustered

but aren't you Mr

yck-simply that,

the abrupt brevity of

ou don't re

erest. If he were a snob he b

inter-I had a cramp, you know. I cut him dead two weeks later. When I knew what I had done I wished he had let m

n Manila.

ow the hell was I to know you all dolled up like this? I used to see you in uniform with cap and bronze buttons and sword and puttees. You were a lieutenant then. I dare say you're


afé. With one foot on the rail, one elbow on the bar, and one elbow crooked upward, they toasted each

u alone-or with somebody? Don't a

rbes. "I'm alone, a castaw

e rescuing party. Ho

Island. I don't have to report for a week

g. There's nothing going

een, and smiled. "I saw three ve'y ch

e 'em. Come a

em is your wife. A

le I have my heal

beginning to feel afraid that yo

ok his head

e marry Per

r name? Wel

n't look

y. She's like a yacht. You think it costs a lot to buy, but wait till you count the upkeep.


there, when I was blue and sick and a million miles from home. I suppose there's nothing makes a hit with a man like calling on him when he's sick. You got your hooks on me that way, and I'm yours to boss aroun

Southern idea of ceremonial courtesy, and he suggested that Ten Eyck had better ask the permission of the ladies b

love the extremes of society. I can get along with the highest, an

the women and the two other men. Forbes was too much perturbed to catch a singl

t as a brilliant soldier and a life-saver,

age with nothing more than a wren-l

Forbes into con

es not only rescued me from the depths, but he told me

ittle more cordia

very nic

hat they neither offended nor excited her. But Miss

ells me I am fatally beautiful, and God knows t

, yet he could hardly deny it. Nor could he deny the plump lady's cl

ush!" The party, having been once rebuked, fell into silence. Forbes rose to return to his o

thing. He was posted at the side of this creature who had fascinated him

, a queer little fellow he was, whispered a comment to Persis. She laughed and answered it.

-pigeon with a silencered revolver a man

uld invent a silenc

ce, and quietude settled down once more like a pall. At the end of

doing afte



" Forbes gasped.

people," said Pe

of the embonpoint, whose first name

ncisco, six years or so ago, slumming parties were taking it up along the 'Barbary Coast.' And

. "People have gone stark mad ove

Persis. "You know it's healthier than

pensive," said th

ie insisted. "It's unf

Persis, with

n you, my dear, of course; you dance it harmlessly enou

is learning it,

ie gasped. "I gave

w that he was always intervening between

out of the churches. The turkey-trot is only vulgar when vulgar people dance it, and they'd be vulgar anyway, anywhere. The trot has set people to ji

Willie insisted, with a peevishness that wa

my dear," Persis answere

dear." It might mean nothing,

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1 Chapter 1 No.12 Chapter 2 No.23 Chapter 3 No.34 Chapter 4 No.45 Chapter 5 No.56 Chapter 6 No.67 Chapter 7 No.78 Chapter 8 No.89 Chapter 9 No.910 Chapter 10 No.1011 Chapter 11 No.1112 Chapter 12 No.1213 Chapter 13 No.1314 Chapter 14 No.1415 Chapter 15 No.1516 Chapter 16 No.1617 Chapter 17 No.1718 Chapter 18 No.1819 Chapter 19 No.1920 Chapter 20 No.2021 Chapter 21 No.2122 Chapter 22 No.2223 Chapter 23 No.2324 Chapter 24 No.2425 Chapter 25 No.2526 Chapter 26 No.2627 Chapter 27 No.2728 Chapter 28 No.2829 Chapter 29 No.2930 Chapter 30 No.3031 Chapter 31 No.3132 Chapter 32 No.3233 Chapter 33 No.3334 Chapter 34 No.3435 Chapter 35 No.3536 Chapter 36 No.3637 Chapter 37 No.3738 Chapter 38 No.3839 Chapter 39 No.3940 Chapter 40 No.4041 Chapter 41 No.4142 Chapter 42 No.4243 Chapter 43 No.4344 Chapter 44 No.4445 Chapter 45 No.4546 Chapter 46 No.4647 Chapter 47 No.4748 Chapter 48 No.4849 Chapter 49 No.4950 Chapter 50 No.5051 Chapter 51 No.5152 Chapter 52 No.5253 Chapter 53 No.5354 Chapter 54 No.5455 Chapter 55 No.5556 Chapter 56 No.5657 Chapter 57 No.5758 Chapter 58 No.5859 Chapter 59 No.5960 Chapter 60 No.6061 Chapter 61 No.6162 Chapter 62 No.6263 Chapter 63 No.6364 Chapter 64 No.6465 Chapter 65 No.6566 Chapter 66 No.6667 Chapter 67 No.6768 Chapter 68 No.6869 Chapter 69 I 170 Chapter 70 II 771 Chapter 71 III 1172 Chapter 72 IV 1573 Chapter 73 V 2474 Chapter 74 VI 3175 Chapter 75 VII 4076 Chapter 76 VIII 4577 Chapter 77 IX 5178 Chapter 78 X 5779 Chapter 79 XI 6180 Chapter 80 XII 6781 Chapter 81 XIII 7482 Chapter 82 XIV 8083 Chapter 83 XV 9384 Chapter 84 XVI 9685 Chapter 85 XVII 10386 Chapter 86 XVIII 10887 Chapter 87 XIX 11988 Chapter 88 XX 12389 Chapter 89 XXI 13090 Chapter 90 XXII 13591 Chapter 91 XXIII 13992 Chapter 92 XXIV 14393 Chapter 93 XXV 15394 Chapter 94 XXVI 15995 Chapter 95 XXVII 17296 Chapter 96 XXVIII 17797 Chapter 97 XXIX 18298 Chapter 98 XXX 19199 Chapter 99 XXXI 202100 Chapter 100 XXXII 215