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What To Do?

Chapter 9 No.9

Word Count: 1080    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

ed my attention to the children also, being desirous to save these innocent beings from p

eartily sorry for this bold, intelligent lad, who had lived with a cobbler, and who had been

ad been going to the Pryesnensky ponds, where he had hired himself out at thirty kopeks a day in some procession of savages in costume, who led about elephants. Something was being presented to the public there. I went a second time, but he was so ungrateful that he evidently avoided me. Had I then reflected on the life of that boy and on my own, I should have understood that this boy was spoiled because he had discovered the possibility of a merry life without labor, and that he had grown unused to work. And I, with the object of benefiting and reclaiming him, had taken him to my house, where he saw-what? My children,-both older and younger than himself, and of the same age,-who not only never did any work for themselves, but who made work for others by every means in their power, who soiled and spoiled every thing about them, who ate rich, dainty, and sweet viands, broke china, and flung to the dogs food which would have been a tidbit to this lad. If I had rescued him from the abyss, and had taken him to that nice place, then he must acquire those

orm other people and their children, who were perishing from idleness in what I called the den of the Rzhanoff house,

dissolute women, there were orphans, there were children who had been picked up in the streets by beggars. They were all

money, to wash, clean and dress him in neat clothing, to support him, and even to teach him various sciences; but it is not only difficult for us, who do not earn our own bread, but quite the reverse, to teach him to work for his bread, but it is impossible, because we, by our example, and even by those material and valueless improvements of his life, inculcate the contrary. A puppy can be tak

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