Up To Date Business
m a cheque drawn to "Bearer." The paying teller expects to see yourself, or some one well known to him as your representative, when you w
u wish to write a cheque to draw money for wages, write "Pay to the order of Pay-roll." If you wish to write a cheque to pay fo
obtain money fo
e which you have issued you should notify
ng them by punching or making some cut through their face. These ca
erson upon whose account it was drawn has no funds to meet it. Your bank will charge the amount to your account. The best thing to do in such a
e illustration.) The amount will immediately be deducted from your account, and the bank, by guaranteeing your cheque, becomes responsible for its payment. Banks will usually certify any cheque drawn upon them if the depositor has the amount called for to his credit, no matter who presents the cheque, and this certifying makes it feasible
cy instead of cheques were the more largely used. But the great advantage of a banking institution to a business man is the opportunity it affords him of borrowing money, of securing cash for the carrying on of his bu