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Trackers of the Fog Pack

Chapter 3 No.3

Word Count: 1478    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

of th

Perk accordingly stepped blithely up, took one good stare, and immed

rtner-course I seen that phiz afore neow, an' same stirs u

ed Jack, in a lower key, and with a quick glance towar

that crayon artist made o' his work-mebbe copied from a reg'lar photo. Ain't this this the limit though-to think o' runnin' a

ger up to his

ing his picture hanging on this wall in an honored place makes that plain; she evidently doesn't know what a rogue her boy is

, taking yet another look at the face within the gold frame

evidently taken years ago, most likely,


d; "if he was old enough I'd begin to believe the kid was his own child-they call

us arunnin' smack into somebody connected with the man we was responsible for sendin' to th

e same as his comrade; indeed it was one of t

nt, "I imagine Garrabarnt behind the bars would give

ck. How 'bout the kid-dye kinder gues

ain, and if such is the case the child will only have to keep quiet for a spell. There's a car stopping at the gate, and the man get

he young man spoke to them on ent

hasty summons, and the sight of that excited c

as such knowledge would prepare him for what must follow. Accordingly he very br

ady and the child were located. Some little time afterwards the doctor came out again. Perk coul

the physician assured them; "and he'll be

, which fact caused Perk to remark, aft

ourself, partner-he's talkin' to some o' the folks out there, an' I jest bet yeou they're a makin' out we done somethin' grand. Rats! why caint a gink do a si

ts back to his office," suggested J

o give us a cheer-as for me I'd be glad if we could slip away by the back door,

er class than one would think from the humble cottage she called home-truth to tell Jack wished

ok hands at Jack's request,

o chanced to have a gun in his pocket, having had it cleaned and repaired at a shop here-he threw himself b

d his mother surely has cause to be grateful for having such a son. Come and

e knew how the two young men thus befriending her grandson (who must have been so precious to her heart) had been the chief instrument in shape of

he merely represented the Government in all he had done, and could n

shed a passage through the still jabbering crowd, and walke

is own thoughts much of the time, which was such an unusua

ked his companion, as they finally drew near the locat

. "I explained to the old lady that it was you who kept the dog from co

earnin' for action. But it gives me a queer thrill to know heow we run up agin his folks-'bout a hundred-an'-thirty mill

ecial delivery stamp on the same. Somehow its coming gave him a sudden thrill around the region of his heart, as though he could sense important ne

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