in' through the arcade, when who should I get the hail from but Hunch
ose, and his pop eyes, and that undershot jaw-well, he ain't one you'd send in to quiet a cryin' baby. Hunch didn't pose for that pict
afety-vault key with anyone, it would be Hunch. Not that they'll ever use him to d
up against a radiator in the main corridor and talks it over. I wants to know if Stiff Miller is still manager down at No. 11 branch,
vin' me the frown. I knew what that meant. It's another call-down. He has plenty of time to work up his case; for I takes the limit and don't hang up my hat until th
ays he, "by the c
manager," says I.
g in the lower corridor,
seen me conversin'
ys Piddie, rais
grouch because you wa'n't introduced? Don't tak
et a grip on his feelings enough to go on with the lesson of the day. "I mer
ries'? G'wan, Piddie! Back to the copybook with your mottoes! I'
t by looking over her shoulder. As an act of charity, they ought to let Piddie f
near gettin' his heart's des
turkeyin' out of the telephone booth all swelled up
sume you know where the M
t since lunchtime,
ays he. "Now list
plumb; but all it simmers down to is that I'm to take a leather document case, hunt up Mr. Ellins, who's attendin'
the last, "from stopping to talk with
d have that printed on a card. Some day
t Piddie would have warned me against if he'd had more time. I tucks the empty case under my arm and was for makin' a record trip back, just to surprise Pidd
ne plays. Mostly it's female voices that floats up, and they was all tuned to the saw-filin' pitch. A pasty-faced young gent
umber," says I, "or have the s
t for yourself," he pants,
invite," says I.
3 at once. For a guess I should say that half the manicure artists, lady demonstrators, and cloak models between 14th and 34th was on the spot.
has welshed on 'em. First off I thought it must be one of these skirt bucket-shops that has been closed out by the renting agent; but then I gets a
at's takin' place behind the ground glass. That wa'n't excitin' enough to lure me from a stead
ings out. "Didn't any lady think t
en all of a sudden, and there stands a tall, well-built gent, with a green felt hat pushed back on his head, a five-inch cigar juttin' out of one corner of his mouth, and his thumbs stuck in
ests one elbow against the rail of a wired-in cashier's coop, and removes the cheroot so he can spring a comfortin' smile on the
s he, "what can we
wear a set of face herbage that I'd never seen before; but I ain't one to forget the only real A-1 classy bos
ursday afternoon. It's Mr. Pepper, all right; but it looks like he's been let in bad, for after one or t
e back my eighteen dollars, or I'll--You'll try your bunko game on
a few names that wa'n't so ladylike as they might have been. They shook things at him, an
in a word until they was all through. He almost acts like he enjoyed being mobbed; but of course he knew better'n to choke off a lot of women before the
fully sympathize with
sings out a big blonde, shakin
ever," says he, "that the board of directors, on the strength of cabled advices f
Show us some money
pper, "that payments from this office will be resum
o look like rush hour at the Hudson Terminal. They starts clawin' at his elbows, and grabbin' his coat, and when I notic
rainer, either; but can I stand there with my mouth open and see an old friend get the hooks thrown into him by a class in hysterics? Not when th
only man left in New York. One side for the real money bringer! One side now!" And by holdin' the leather case high up where they could all se
out to Mr. Pepper and givin' him the knowin' l
says he. "Pardon me a moment, ladies, only a moment. This way, young man." And almost bef
n' me over kind of puzzled,
ays I, liftin' the cov
at no one else could have put up s
g. What you want to do is get busy and make a noise like hundred-dollar bills
he. "I'm boxed. Now if the
is diff'rent. They never know what they want or w
out me. Your strategy thus far has been excellent; but I don't want you
ou did about givin' me them Glory Be stocks, either, and I'm goin' to
that calm way of his, and then he shru
the City National Bank, and some was insistin' that it was just a north-pole fake. It's a free-for-all debate w
she says. "Let's o
r. "Now for feminine tac
ourn to the corridor. When they're all out and I can
one flight and you can get an e
way from any kind of a fight, specially a lot of women. He don't run, either; but aft
ket to watch the elevator. She sees us and gives the alarm; so by the time we're up to the nex
first floor. Also who should step out into the midst of the riot but Old Hickory Ellins, just leavin' the directors' meeting. He goes purple-faced and bug-eyed, but before I can d
?" says he. "And who is that with you?
wens! He's the one that took our money, and the boy is
of flossy kikes!" I
ins, "have you been up
in't, Mr. El
says he; "but what about the othe
. "And he's on
ce Owens, is
Glory Be Mining Company. Why, I used to work for him! That aggr
chin. "A case of mistaken identity,
the special, jerkin' off
d tell them their mistake," says Old Hickory.
foot shaft with no stops until the ground floor. Not until we gets
in the friendship line. I will admit that
t game? It was a matter of needin' a little time, wa'n't it, and bein' rushed off your feet when you didn't expect the
es. Then he straightens up, looks me level between the ey
'm dropping the investment business right here, and I'm going out to see what our prope
ts back, "that it takes you an hou
says I, "hookworms. I