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The Wonder Island Boys: Exploring the Island


Word Count: 2439    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

h disposed to hurry up now, and were taking the trip more leisurely, thus giving more time to the examination of trees and plants and flowers, and

tains below the South River did not now seem so formidable; and directly to the south they could see no ranges or hill elevati

made a mistake in calling our home river the West River. Let u

t, the Geographical Society will ple

on of the direction they should take in their future e

d shrubbery of various kinds were constantly sought for and examined-they fis

no signs of people living here; nevertheless, we had traces of a

o the north," was Harry's conclusion, "un

he West River. Beyond was a forest, and on the opposite side of the West River the wood had all along been dense. At th

ospecting tour, as had been their constant practice. When they returned Har

it? Any

of flint. The wooden portion of the arrow was re

id you f

five hundred

n of the vicinity for other traces, if possible. Within an hour Harry stumbled across the skull of an animal. This was not an unusual sight, as

pes of Ar

know what animal

"What is this?" were his first words. Directly behind the ear cavity was

ing here." With a few strokes the skull was opened, a

the inhabitants of the island. I infer t

at each other

you th

ape and in structure from the

noticed the

es make their impl

s unlike; and the divergence is frequently so wide that it has been difficult in many cases to trace the causes and explain the reasons. Such an instance may be found in the Chinese way of holding a saw, with the teeth projecting from the sawyer

and you may be sure that the new discovery gave an a

different tribes on the island." The boys looked at each other without questioning, as usual; but the next morning, as soon as George awoke,

reatly. With them, as with civilized people, the intermingling o

st thing to bear. Did the boys ever get homesick? I need not suggest such an idea to make it more real than it was to them. With beautiful home surroundings, loving parents and brothers and sisters, absence, uncertainty; the fear that the

If it could not be exercised in a useful direction it would invariably spend its e

They must have exercise; why not direct it into paths of usefulness, wher

ork which comes to them under the guise of play; and all play which is labeled "work." But when there is a need for a thing, and the inquisitive nature of the

the boys, as will be noticed. It was his constant

profit they derived from it. Thus far they had not given their time and the great enthusiasm to their various enterprises because of the money

or sat up later that night than usual, talking over their condition, and the situat

rang up and excitedly grasped the Professor's arm,

ght, not stationary, but flickering, and

e of the woods," remarked George. Th

said Harry, not so much in a tone of inquiry as o

ht be able to learn something if we shou

appeared, some dim, others brighter. The firing of a gun seemed to them a most hazar

he boys responded to this proposal. In

ely startle them, and the first impulse of t

nture more strikingly developed th

; we might just as well know what

going to shoot?"

so urge

shments. You and Harry go back, up the river, a quarter of a mile, or so, and take with you one of our coverin

and almost immediately thereafter every light had disappeared. The boys were also ke

clusive evidence that human beings were the

What do you

u that the lights might



n 'will-o'-

nd exhibits itself in the form of gases of phosphorus, which appears to burn, but

unt for the disappea

urally, after you fired, and, therefore, s

r the boys, and the Professor did not place

so that the sentinel will quietly awaken the next one in his turn, or both in the event

assed Baby was very restless, and George tried to soothe him; but before long he began crying. A lusty orang, however small, in

the Baby refused to be quieted

y's cries will direc

many times. It is your imagination which is playing you tricks. Do

Harry had busied himself in getting a hasty breakfast while the others slept, and Baby w

nd before the sun was visible they were on their

ept away from close proximity to the river bed. That was not a safe route, as enemies on the other side of the river would have

must cultivate. A noise of any kind should be analyzed. A scout once told me that on one occasion during the war, his life was saved because he saw one limb of a tree move more than an adjoining one. At another time, in trailing through a forest, he saw a leaf on the ground, differi

s. Each knew that every step forward

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