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The White Crystals

Chapter 10 BAD NEWS

Word Count: 2845    |    Released on: 06/12/2017

of his cousin's adventures. It was almost ten o'clock when Roger came downstairs, rubbing his eyes. He found no one about

he boy's remark. "I'm used to getting up earlier tha

vineyard, mother's gone over to Mrs. Took's to borrow

g me some breakfast," finished Roger. "

ke up for what you lost last night. My! But you must have been frightened. How's your back? We're all so

ery well. Quite ready for breakfast, too, for I'm hungry," he added, as he sat down in front of the nicely browned cakes, the hot coffee, and the meat. He ate heartily, and just as he finished his aunt came in f

e country boy, smi

that mean? Johnny Green called it to me when

or 'How do you do?' or 'H

ending. "Well, I sagoola


grapes th' way ye did arter ye found Andrews didn't want 'em. Mighty smart 'n' good I call it. Too bad ye hed t' hev a acc

spoke up Roger, "and besides,

e better price 'n Andrews would 'a' paid, 'n' I'm used t' givi

sers pocket, extracted from it two big shining s

givin' it t' ye. Ye airned it fair 'n' squ

receiving except, perhaps, around Christmas, and they hardly kne

on with, and we can go squirrel hunting. I was just wishing for some cash to g

r had a

Porter Amidown's for you. It'll be lots of sport, and besides, we c

els 'fore I let th' butcher go b

orchard," said Mr. Kimball, after a

ard and watch me pick grapes?

lp a little," agreed the city boy

t all night in th' woods, keepin' company 'ith a wild-cat thet most took yer skin off. Don't y

eed Roger's cousin, and

feet apart, so there was plenty of chance for the sun to get at the fruit, Old Sol's rays being needed to ripen the big purple, red, and white clusters. The boys walked up a little path back of the farmhouse,

rian, referring to the variety

ds have you?"

Isabellas, Niagaras, Delawa

all grapes

eat anything but Concords. Others want Wordens, and I like them

likewise, and it seemed that he had never before tasted such sweet grapes. The ones he oc

ff stem, "I must get to work. I've only got to fill forty mor

be taken to the barn, and then the next day they would be sent to Syracuse. Adrian began to work, and Roger insisted that at least he be allowed to scat

sent a uniformly fine appearance, and bring a better price than if sent to market carelessly. Adrian worked rapidly, now that he did not have to stop to distribute the empty bask

now?" for that was the way every one spoke

eagerly, for he had been thinking with anticipation all the morning

lied Adrian. "It's three miles th


ake a rest until th

pes. As they approached they were greeted by the barking o

Roger, looking at t

in a while. Gets sort of wild and likes to strike out for himself. But he's always glad to come back. Hi! Jack, ol

regular romp

n his running to look at his young master with bright eyes and cock

ligent animal sniffed the boy a bit, and then the ta

" announced Adrian. "Sha

ight paw up to Roger, w

drian, the introduction over. "We'l

into the barn, and after they had been stowed away, Adrian lifted from a basket two large fine muskm

fter they had amused themselves by jumping around in the hay, they were quite ready for dinner, when they heard Mrs. Kimball blow the horn vigorously. They announced at the

the north, a long level stretch of highway, lying between pleasant farm lands. The three miles seemed

ose?" asked

an ho

ght they had tents," and Roger's

em this land and they raise crops on it, or rather their squaws do; for the Indians let the women do mo

man who seemed to be a negro, and Roger could see severa

olks doing on the R

Smith. You see lots of the Indians are very dark,

ok like the Indians you see

em could be observed many Indian squaws at work, husking corn or gathering pumpkins and toma

f the others near it. Adrian, coming opposite it,

t that is?" he a

t? W

n the side o

it looks like

u know wh


which tried to eat

he wil

Johnny Green lives. He's skinn

tan. A few hours before it had been a wild-cat bent on doing

ntly, grinning expansively in r

Glad to see you, Johnny. Get

ure. Got c


um hide," and he held up the pelt

ou don't want?" asked Adrian, with

two small but well-made hickory bows and several arrows, feather tipped, bu

," said Adrian, giving the invitation as a sort

as the long white Council House was called, stood. It was the most su

. They give a regular performance like a war dance, only it's to make the Great Spirit, so they think, give a good corn harvest. The Indians rattle

said Roger. "Maybe I'll stay

bridge which spanned a little stream

t of the country and the old Onondaga Indians pitched into each other right on the bank of this stream, and lots were killed on both sides. The story

e looking at the different sights, "I guess we'd better be getting

tried shooting with their bows, sending the arrows far on ahead of them and then picking them up, to give them another flight into the air. They moved on briskly, and just as the sun was sinking o

Kimball was standing in the middle of the floor, holding a letter in his hand. Mrs. Kimball

ked Adrian, in great alarm

t no one an

ad," he persis

d news," replied h

t is

all lost," burst out Mrs. Kimball, "'n' Nate Jackson h

drian sank limply in a chair, w

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